IT Manager of Tomorrow 2020
Check out our talks, workshops, interviews, panel discussions and more
Agenda 2020
Mark Gallagher
Managing Director @ Performance Insights Ltd
Driving a High Performance Culture
Formula 1 is a high performance sport, but for the technology companies which compete to create the fastest cars in the world there is a dual requirement - to combine the best in people in technology in a way that unlocks new levels of performance. The leadership of Formula 1 teams recognise that technology alone is not the answer - this simply provides a suite of tools which enable a group of people to deliver success and drive innovation. [...]
Patty McCord
Author of "Powerful; Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility"
Netflix, Hockey and Building Teams
Listen and interact with Patty McCord as she brings us Silicon Valley concepts of fresh ideas and innovation as they are applied to rethinking the way we work. She challenges norms and invites us to reconsider the idea of “best practices.” She spent 14 years at Netflix experimenting with new ways to work. Making the Netflix culture deck become reality for the people who work there. Patty believes people come to work as fully formed adults with a desire to make an impact and be proud of what they do and she’s on a mission to spread the word that we can do this differently. She is frequently in the media with interviews and articles from Harvard Business Review, NPR, Fast Company and The Wall Street Journal. She speaks at CEO Forums, Business schools and for large groups around the world. Topic: #Professional Growth
Szymon Kudła
Inspirational speaker and author of business books
SISU, czyli jak wzmocnić hart ducha i jak stawiać czoła wyzwaniom w zwariowanych czasach?
Sisu to unikalne, fińskie słowo, oznaczające odporność psychiczną i hart ducha, ale również orientację na działanie i determinację w dążeniu do określonego celu pomimo przeciwności losu. To, do czego my potrzebujemy kilkunastu (jakże ważnych!) słów, Finowie zmieścili w dwóch prostych sylabach. W zwariowanym, niepewnym otoczeniu biznesowym, w obliczu recesji oraz niespotykanej od 100 lat ogólnoświatowej pandemii, sisu wyrasta na kluczową kompetencję XXI wieku.[...] Topic: #Professional Growth
Andrew Tarvin
CEO @ Humor That Works
HUMOR THAT WORKS:The Missing Skill for Success and Happiness at Work
83% of Americans are stressed out at work and 55% are unsatisfied with their jobs. The impact? Close to a trillion dollars in lost productivity and increased costs. Luckily humor is here to help. People who use humor are more productive, less stressed, and happier. This interactive and experiential program will teach you what humor at work means, why it is desperately needed, and how to use humor to create a positive work culture, increase team productivity, manage stress, and have more fun.[...]
Piotr Grządziel
Partner Zarządzający @ Magna Talenta
Cześć mam na imię xxx i jestem ciekawy – czyli jak robić dobry networking, który buduje karierę
- 1 do 1 czy jeden do wielu – działania dobrego networkera - 2 światy i jak je połączyć – networking offline i online - 3 pytania, które wzbogacają każdą dyskusję - 4 złote zasady networking Topic: #Professional Growth
Greg Sanker
CIO @ Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Get in the Flow – IT Change Management in a DevOps World
IT Change Management has long been at the center of effective IT service delivery. But as flow-based methodologies like DevOps, agile, and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery has made traditional Change Management, and its signature CAB very unpopular. In many ways, it has become Exhibit A in the case against IT Service Management. The industry is at a critical point where traditional CAB-based Change Management needs to grow up or get out of the way. This session will talk about the future of Change Management how flow- based Change Management enables changes to happen at speed, in the value streams.[...] Topic: #DevOps, Agility and High Performance
Krzysztof Słotwiński
CSO @ BNP Paribas Bank Polska
Cybersecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic : View from CSO room
COVID-19 outbreak has impacted the way how companies are operating globally. Massive increased of remote work and use of home WIFI networks to connect to business systems has created potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities for all organizations. In this presentation I will talk about how organizations have been reacting to the new normal and discussed new cybersecurity trends for the post Covid era. Topic: #Cybersecurity, Privacy and Risk
Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
Power up opening
Piotr Chrapała
CTO @ BNP Paribas Bank Polska
„System Down” i co dalej ?
Awarie się zdarzają i nadal będą. Dla nas, menedżerów IT, to po prostu część naszej codziennej pracy. O tym jakie działania podejmować w tych newralgicznych momentach, czego unikać i o co należy zadbać, by właściwie zarządzać sytuacją kryzysową, opowiem w trakcie mojej prezentacji. Jedno jest pewne, nie zabraknie w niej przykładów „z życia wziętych”, z którymi faktycznie miałem do czynienia w pracy. Topic: #Professional Growth
Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify
Effective methods of long lasting motivation for teams and individuals used by Spotify
In my presentation I talk about Spotify's beliefs regarding motivation and methods we use to manifest them in the daily life of our teams. I describe the role of leaders in both building and destroying motivation. Share some learning regarding motivating high and low performers as well as explore some dark side of the high motivation. Topic: #Professional Growth
Wojciech Tatys
Global Business Excellence & Transformation Lead @ Discovery Inc
MythBusters: Perpetuum Mobile or how to build the competences of the future at Discovery
[...]One could summarize that this speech is about Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constrain, Process Management, Continuous Improvement, RPA, and a few more. Probably your impression now is “boring, I’ve heard it before” or at least “not sure if that’s for me”. The key is not to focus on individual methodologies and tools but to consider the whole ecosystem that will make it fly. In other words – take your notebook and write down my recipe for building your own Perpetuum Mobile. Topic: #Agile, DevOps and High Performance
Bastian Küntzel
CEO & Co-Founder @ Incontro Training
Amplified Humanity
With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, we can see a new era of production and work on the horizon. The hope is that we will be able to get machines to do the things we were never good at, the ones that require physical strength, speed, weather resistance or are super monotonous. And then we could do the things we are uniquely good at. The human stuff. Creating meaning. Building Connections. Curiosity, reflection, art, creativity. Leaders and managers are generally not trained to amplify the humanity of the people they lead. [...] Topic: #The future workplace #Artificial Intelligence & Data science
Marta Adamek – Trzaskalska
EMEA IT Platform Services Portfolio and Project Management Lead @ Aon
From zero to hero – path to leadership
Leadership is not given, it's a learning process – something you grow into. You surely can be born with a set of traits that make leadership easier, doesn’t mean you will use it wisely. So what are the growing pains that a future leader needs to go through? How to deal with them? What choices to make? How not to get lost? ..and then, when you finally achieve your long-awaited goal and you become a leader, suddenly you realize that your road has just begun… What then? Those any many other questions will be answered during a speech, where I will share some stories (also personal) of the bumpy road towards leadership.[...] Topic: #Professional Growth
Case study
Piotr Hołownia
Country Digital Manager / CDO @ IKEA
Katarzyna Karpińska
Technical Tribe Lead, Common Connectivity Experience Tribe @ T-Mobile Polska
From power to the broom – journey from a manager to the servant leader
Drawing from our experience we will tell a story of a thrilling journey from line management to servant leadership in an organization transforming from project driven world to an agile and customer-focused environent. We will highlight what was difficult for us to change in our behaviour and how we coped with that; how we build teams and support them in their daily work; what kind of culture based on virtues we pursue; and finally what benefits this kind of experience brings for everyone involved. Topic: #Inclusion and Women in IT #Professional Growth
Paweł Czarny
IT Manager - Cloud Platforms Department @ Ringier Axel Springer Tech
Z chmury „na”, czy „pod” chmurę? O migracji do AWS z perspektywy własnych doświadczeń w Ringier Axel Springer.
Można zakładać, że w branży IT zmiana jest jedyną stałą i nie powinna nas dziwić. Niemniej decyzja o migracji do chmury publicznej AWS największego polskiego portalu internetowego Onet, czyli faktycznie ogromnej większości rozwiązań technologicznych Ringier Axel Springer, to nawet dla tego grona ogromne wyzwanie - również managerskie.[...] Topic: #Cloud Computing
Marcin Sas
Key Account Manager @ Samsung
Digital Signage – przyszłość na wyświetlaczach
Jak wygląda cyfrowa komunikacja przyszłości w burze, sklepie lub na ulicy? Czym jest Digital Signage i jakie niesie możliwości i trendy? To wszystko oczami praktyka, producenta i beneficjenta rozwiązań DS, a głosem swoich klientów opowie Marcin Sas – Key Account Manager z Samsung Polska.
Tomasz Łużak
Product Owner, IT Security @ T-Mobile Polska SA
Biznes w czasach pandemii
Rok 2020 upływa pod znakiem koronawirusa. Jak COVID-19 zmienił nasze biznesy i życie naszych klientów? Jak zmieniło się podejście do chmury, bezpieczeństwa i pracy zdalnej, a także dlaczego telekomy stały się znów ulubionymi dostawcami usług? Praktyczne przykłady i doświadczenia z perspektywy dostawcy usług ICT. Topic: #Cybersecurity, Privacy and Risk
Piotr Brychczyński
Business Development Manager and Sales Director @ Fujitsu Poland
Money follows Data: czyli jak rozmawiać z zarządem o inwestycjach w dane i infrastrukturę IT.
Dane są największą wartością każdej organizacji, a przychód i rozwój podąża za danymi. Od kilku lat obserwujemy też wzrost wartości danych archiwalnych. Cykl życia projektów strategicznych skraca się, a kolejne kryzysy (jak choćby obecna pandemia) pokazują że elastyczność to podstawa. Czy czas kryzysu to czas na inwestycje? Jak rozmawiać o innowacjach i inwestycjach z szefem lub zarządem? W jaki sposób zaprezentować wartość danych osobom decyzyjnym w organizacji? O wszystkim opowiem na prezentacji Money follows Data
Wojciech Południewski
Chief Information Officer @ Polcom Group
Cloud only journey at Polcom Group
[...]Wojciech Poludniewski, the company’s CIO, will share why and how they chose to implement an new IT system based entirely on the could. Apart from discussing the details of the project, the pros and the cons of the selected solution, Wojciech will present how this approach affected the company as such and the organization of internal IT. Topic: #Cloud Computing
Filip Hanaczewski
DBA Manager - Managed Services @ Percona
Remote, globally spread, multicultural team spirit – Myth or reality
[...] In this session, I will focus on facts and myths about remote teams. I’ll present best practices about building and managing remote teams basing on success and failure stories. We’ll also try to answer a question … Is it really that different from a typical stationary team? Topic: #The future workplace
Pedro Nucci
Data Scientist @ Grand Parade
Data-oriented team leading: Tracking skills and behaviours
We can do better than just “line manager to employee” feedback. A carefully made survey with a bit of data analysis can generate surprising personal feedback reports and also increase the team’s awareness. I am sharing my experience, toolset and insights after doing this in practice.[...] Topic: #Artificial Intelligence & Data science
Łukasz Wierciński
Head of Technology Center @ Roche
Transformation into Agile Organization at Scale
An agile IT department is not only a business expectation but also an essential criterium for efficiency. While this is a relatively simple task for small businesses, it can be much more difficult in large corporations. IT managers who want to really improve their organization must find answers to a number of questions.[...] Topic: #DevOps, Agility and High Performance
Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
How are some of the world’s leading companies and organizations implementing mindfulness programs and what benefits, if any are they experiencing?
Let me take you through the perspectives of 5 leaders from 5 companies (Amazon, Red Hat, Vodafone, L'Oreal, and Ford) and tell you their stories of how they have been implementing mindfulness programs at their work. Hear their challenges and opportunities. Learn what benefits and risks they have experienced. And learn a short practice or two of how you can be even more mindful. Topic: #Professional Growth
Karolina Buchała
IT Manager @ Ringier Axel Springer Tech
Magda Kędra
People Partner obszaru IT @ Ringier Axel Springer Polska
Kręta droga do ścieżek kariery
O wypracowywaniu ścieżek kariery z perspektywy HR i managera IT Czy managerowie i specjaliści IT podobnie myślą o rozwoju? Jakie kompetencje są kluczowe? Jak je zmierzyć? I jak uwzględnić wartości firmy w systemie oceny. To tylko niektóre z wyzwań, z którymi zmierzyłyśmy się podczas wypracowywania nowej struktury stanowisk IT w Ringier Axel Springer Polska.[...] Topic: #Professional Growth
Panel discussion
Przemysław Zakrzewski
Head of Corporate Technology Center @ ABB
Krzysztof Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Let's Manage IT
Marcin Piątkowski
Winner of the IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards
IT Manager of Tomorrow – Tomorrow of IT Manager
W trakcie dyskusji, wspólnie z jurorami oraz laureatem tegorocznej edycji IT Manager of Tomorrow odniesiemy się do wyzwań i trendów jakie są związane z rolą IT i osób zarządzających technologią w dużych organizacjach. Będzie energicznie, merytorycznie i trochę humorystycznie.
Aga Światowa
VP Technology and Innovation @ Discovery Inc.
Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify
Anna Sroka
CEO @ The Female Enterprise
Marta Adamek – Trzaskalska
EMEA IT Platform Services Portfolio and Project Management Lead @ Aon
Fix Workplaces. Not Women
Workplaces do not work for everyone in the same way as they were never designed for difference. They were designed for an ideal worker to succeed. The more you differ from the ideal the more barriers you are going to face. Let’s try to unpack the message and find out what holds women back… Topic: #Inclusion and Women in IT
Lightning talks
Mark Gallagher
Managing Director @ Performance Insights Ltd
Neil Martin
Former Head of Operations, Scuderia Ferrari, and former Head of Strategy and Technology @ McLaren Racing and Red Bull Racing
Analytics in the Fast Lane – how Formula 1 embraced a data-driven environment
Conversation between Neil Martin and Mark Gallagher followed by an open Q&A with the audience.
Aleksandra Motriuk
Executive Managing Director @ InterComm Coaching & Communication
Rafał Motriuk
Executive Communications Consultant @ InterComm Coaching & Communication
The Art of Writing Headlines
You know you understand your story only if you can tell it keeping it simple, clear and short. What if “short” means seven words? Well, then you might use the skill of writing headlines. They need to be brief and to the point. Informative and catchy. Exciting but not misleading. Create a headline and sell and tell your story with a little help from the former BBC Online journalist, now InterComm’s executive communication consultant Rafał Motriuk. With your headline and your story will you be able to leave your audiences hungry for more? Topic: #Professional Growth
Anna Sroka
CEO @ The Female Enterprise
Imagination versus reality. The way of women from young leader to senior executive.
New insights toward a requisite Board Competencies Matrix, contextual dynamics, enabling factors and boundaries to develop leadership presence. A workshop based on research on identifying combination of skills and experience to succeed with promotion to boards and senior executive level. Topic: #Inclusion and Women in IT #Professional Growth
Gear up Workshops
Krzysztof Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Let's Manage IT
Bartosz Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Conlea
Mastermind IT Manager of Tomorrow
Czym jest Program Mastermind IT Manager of Tomorrow? Wyobraź sobie, że masz dostęp do wiedzy i rozwiązań wypracowanych przez kilkudziesięciu managerów IT. Łączy Was wspólny cel – chcecie rozwijać siebie i swoje organizacje. Pomyśl, ile możecie razem osiągnąć współpracując, dzieląc się wiedzą i dając sobie wsparcie. Zapraszamy na sesje Programu Mastermind IT Manager of Tomorrow. Wraz z pozostałymi uczestnikami skupicie się na wypracowaniu rozwiązań wyzwań, które przyniesiecie na warsztat. Efektem będą konkretne recepty i inspiracje do wdrożenia zaraz po warsztacie. Siłą tej sesji jest struktura, o którą dbają prowadzący i agenda, którą tworzą uczestnicy. Przed spotkaniem prześlemy informacje, jak się do niego przygotować. Topic: #Professional Growth
Łukasz Wierciński
Head of Technology Center @ Roche
Skuteczność Personalna – Personal Accountability
Cel - Zbudowanie umiejętności oraz świadomości pozwalającej na skuteczne działanie w swoim zakresie wpływu, oraz wywierania wpływu na innych tak, aby wzmocnić ich skuteczność personalną. Jednocześnie minimalizując negatywne emocje czy poczucie bezradności. Topic: #Professional Growth
Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
The Mindful Leader Workshop
Learn hands on what it takes to be a mindful leader. Theory is cheap. Let's practice. We will cover the basics of awareness and self-awareness, self-regulation and emotional intelligence, as well as how to develop more focus and maintain peak performance. Topic: #DevOps, Agility and High Performance
Izabela Ohler
Senior IT Security Specialist @ Nordea
Alesia Muravitskaya
Information Technology Security Specialist @ Nordea
Nastassia Halich
IT Security Specialist (IAM), Scrum Master @ Nordea
Cyber Office 2020
Year 2020. Secure and protected? - No secret that in these troubling times the business environment is getting even more vague and complex. Obviously, it’s difficult to predict what the future holds, and this uncertainty triggers various additional threats in our physical, social, and cyber spaces. So what can you do? - You can continue feel anxious, or you can master some useful techniques which can become your lifejacket to steer through turbulent waters. If you are in favour of the latter, come to our workshop![...] Topic: #The future workplace
Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
Designing Your (Career) Life
Inspired by the #1 New York Times Best Seller "Designing Your Life," the Design Thinking methodology/mindset, as well as other best practices, in this workshop we will explore how design thinking can help us build a career and life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who or where you are, what yo do or have done for a living, or how young or old you are. It will be a hands on, practical workshop where you will actually start to design and plan your career/life. Topic: #career and professional growth
Bastian Küntzel
CEO & Co-Founder @ Incontro Training
Human centric learning experience design
To lead and manage is essentially to help others learn and grow within the context of work. Outsourcing learning into the training room, conference hall or brown-bag lunch session is, while attractive, shortsighted. Managers and leaders teach, if they want to or not. They teach by how they act around others. They teach by how they communicate, by how they relate to their team, and by the way they accompany the processes of doing the work.[...]
Aleksandra Motriuk
Executive Managing Director @ InterComm Coaching & Communication
Rafał Motriuk
Executive Communications Consultant @ InterComm Coaching & Communication
Depression and how companies can go about this mental health issue
InterComm’s experts tell their depression story based on personal experience. One is a former sufferer, the other is his life and business partner supporting him throughout. Deeply personal and very different narratives of the same experience amount to one fuller picture of this mental health issue offering others a guide to maintaining good mental strength. Find out which symptoms to watch out for in yourself, close ones and in colleagues and team members. Plus, tips of what (not) to do when you suspect someone feels low.[...] Topic: #Inclusion and Women in IT
Driving a High Performance Culture
Formula 1 is a high performance sport, but for the technology companies which compete to create the fastest cars in the world there is a dual requirement – to combine the best in people in technology in a way that unlocks new levels of performance. The leadership of Formula 1 teams recognise that technology alone is not the answer – this simply provides a suite of tools which enable a group of people to deliver success and drive innovation. The story of digital transformation in this sport comes down to a desire to guarantee success – a data driven environment in which high quality data is supplied – often in real time – in order for a team to improve decision making and accurately predict outcomes. In driving a high performance team the way in which data is retrieved, stored, secured, managed and accessed is critical as it is information which fuels the ability of top teams to effectively manage risk, ensure sustained performance and unlock competitive advantage. In achieving this, the technology helps human teams to perform at a level which was previously unimagined.
Mark Gallagher
Managing Director @ Performance Insights Ltd
Netflix, Hockey and Building Teams
Listen and interact with Patty McCord as she brings us Silicon Valley concepts of fresh ideas and innovation as they are applied to rethinking the way we work. She challenges norms and invites us to reconsider the idea of “best practices.” She spent 14 years at Netflix experimenting with new ways to work. Making the Netflix culture deck become reality for the people who work there. Patty believes people come to work as fully formed adults with a desire to make an impact and be proud of what they do and she’s on a mission to spread the word that we can do this differently. She is frequently in the media with interviews and articles from Harvard Business Review, NPR, Fast Company and The Wall Street Journal. She speaks at CEO Forums, Business schools and for large groups around the world. Key Takeaways: Get rid of best practices Leaders create teams and not families How to lead a cultural transformation How to hire and how to let go
Patty McCord
Author of "Powerful; Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility"
SISU, czyli jak wzmocnić hart ducha i jak stawiać czoła wyzwaniom w zwariowanych czasach?
Sisu to unikalne, fińskie słowo, oznaczające odporność psychiczną i hart ducha, ale również orientację na działanie i determinację w dążeniu do określonego celu pomimo przeciwności losu. To, do czego my potrzebujemy kilkunastu (jakże ważnych!) słów, Finowie zmieścili w dwóch prostych sylabach. W zwariowanym, niepewnym otoczeniu biznesowym, w obliczu recesji oraz niespotykanej od 100 lat ogólnoświatowej pandemii, sisu wyrasta na kluczową kompetencję XXI wieku. „Sisu” to również tytuł czwartej książki Szymona, która premierę miała w lipcu 2020. Wzmocnij swoje sisu (w tym zdolność do brania na klatę niespodziewanych trudności), a przy tym odzyskaj poczucie mocy, dobrą energię i nadzieję na lepsze jutro.
Szymon Kudła
Inspirational speaker and author of business books
HUMOR THAT WORKS:The Missing Skill for Success and Happiness at Work
83% of Americans are stressed out at work and 55% are unsatisfied with their jobs. The impact? Close to a trillion dollars in lost productivity and increased costs. Luckily humor is here to help. People who use humor are more productive, less stressed, and happier. This interactive and experiential program will teach you what humor at work means, why it is desperately needed, and how to use humor to create a positive work culture, increase team productivity, manage stress, and have more fun. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Efficiency vs Effectiveness The $500 Billion Problem at Work 30 Research – backed Benefits of Humor Developing a Humor Mindset How to Start Using Humor Today
Andrew Tarvin
CEO @ Humor That Works
Cześć mam na imię xxx i jestem ciekawy – czyli jak robić dobry networking, który buduje karierę
– 1 do 1 czy jeden do wielu – działania dobrego networkera – 2 światy i jak je połączyć – networking offline i online – 3 pytania, które wzbogacają każdą dyskusję – 4 złote zasady networking
Piotr Grządziel
Partner Zarządzający @ Magna Talenta
Get in the Flow – IT Change Management in a DevOps World
IT Change Management has long been at the center of effective IT service delivery. But as flow-based methodologies like DevOps, agile, and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery has made traditional Change Management, and its signature CAB very unpopular. In many ways, it has become Exhibit A in the case against IT Service Management. The industry is at a critical point where traditional CAB-based Change Management needs to grow up or get out of the way. This session will talk about the future of Change Management how flow- based Change Management enables changes to happen at speed, in the value streams. Greg Sanker, Author of IT Change Management: A Practitioner’s guide and ITIL4 Change Enablement Practice Guide will be speaking remotely from Oregon, USA. Attendees will have ample time to ask questions live and interact with Greg.
Greg Sanker
CIO @ Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Cybersecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic : View from CSO room
COVID-19 outbreak has impacted the way how companies are operating globally. Massive increased of remote work and use of home WIFI networks to connect to business systems has created potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities for all organizations. In this presentation I will talk about how organizations have been reacting to the new normal and discussed new cybersecurity trends for the post Covid era.
Krzysztof Słotwiński
CSO @ BNP Paribas Bank Polska
Power up opening
Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
„System Down” i co dalej ?
Awarie się zdarzają i nadal będą. Dla nas, menedżerów IT, to po prostu część naszej codziennej pracy. O tym jakie działania podejmować w tych newralgicznych momentach, czego unikać i o co należy zadbać, by właściwie zarządzać sytuacją kryzysową, opowiem w trakcie mojej prezentacji. Jedno jest pewne, nie zabraknie w niej przykładów „z życia wziętych”, z którymi faktycznie miałem do czynienia w pracy.
Piotr Chrapała
CTO @ BNP Paribas Bank Polska
Effective methods of long lasting motivation for teams and individuals used by Spotify
In my presentation I talk about Spotify’s beliefs regarding motivation and methods we use to manifest them in the daily life of our teams. I describe the role of leaders in both building and destroying motivation. Share some learning regarding motivating high and low performers as well as explore some dark side of the high motivation.
Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify
MythBusters: Perpetuum Mobile or how to build the competences of the future at Discovery
Have you ever wondered if building the Perpetuum Mobile is possible? What about building such a solution within business environment? How to make this work? I will clear your doubts and answer the above questions to bring this abstract topic closer to your business environment. We will explore the need behind understanding the DNA of the organization and why building the skills of the future is vital. One could summarize that this speech is about Lean, Six Sigma, Theory of Constrain, Process Management, Continuous Improvement, RPA, and a few more. Probably your impression now is “boring, I’ve heard it before” or at least “not sure if that’s for me”. The key is not to focus on individual methodologies and tools but to consider the whole ecosystem that will make it fly. In other words – take your notebook and write down my recipe for building your own Perpetuum Mobile. 3 takeaways: Why understanding the DNA of your team / business / organization is critical before implementing any change Business Excellence & Transformation model to drive a continuous improvement agenda at Discovery S.W.A.T. Team – the way to develop employees skills of the future and support ongoing process improvement
Wojciech Tatys
Global Business Excellence & Transformation Lead @ Discovery Inc
Amplified Humanity
With the advent of Artificial Intelligence, we can see a new era of production and work on the horizon. The hope is that we will be able to get machines to do the things we were never good at, the ones that require physical strength, speed, weather resistance or are super monotonous. And then we could do the things we are uniquely good at. The human stuff. Creating meaning. Building Connections. Curiosity, reflection, art, creativity. Leaders and managers are generally not trained to amplify the humanity of the people they lead. In fact, many have been trained through school, university, at work while being managed, and now in their praxis to do just the opposite. It is in the messy humanness that our future lies. The stakes are high, it’s going to be interesting.
Bastian Küntzel
CEO & Co-Founder @ Incontro Training
From zero to hero – path to leadership
Leadership is not given, it’s a learning process – something you grow into. You surely can be born with a set of traits that make leadership easier, doesn’t mean you will use it wisely. So what are the growing pains that a future leader needs to go through? How to deal with them? What choices to make? How not to get lost? ..and then, when you finally achieve your long-awaited goal and you become a leader, suddenly you realize that your road has just begun… What then? Those any many other questions will be answered during a speech, where I will share some stories (also personal) of the bumpy road towards leadership. Presentation 3 key takeways: · Self-awareness is the fundament of your leadership · Acceptance of how you operate means you acknowledge the benefits and consequences of being who you are · Every leader is unique and should shape his/her own leadership lifestyle
Marta Adamek – Trzaskalska
EMEA IT Platform Services Portfolio and Project Management Lead @ Aon
From power to the broom – journey from a manager to the servant leader
Case study
Manager or a leader? Is it possible to transform from one to another? What is needed to address that change and why we think that we are successful? Is it worth chasing? Drawing from our experience we will tell a story of a thrilling journey from line management to servant leadership in an organization transforming from project driven world to an agile and customer-focused environment. We will highlight what was difficult for us to change in our behaviour and how we coped with that; how we build teams and support them in their daily work; what kind of culture based on virtues we pursue; and finally what benefits this kind of experience brings for everyone involved. 3 takeaways Personal challenges faced when implementing servant leadership style Why it is beneficial to build culture based on virtues Inclusive leadership – what does it mean and why it is worthy of implementing
Piotr Hołownia
Country Digital Manager / CDO @ IKEA
Katarzyna Karpińska
Technical Tribe Lead, Common Connectivity Experience Tribe @ T-Mobile Polska
Z chmury „na”, czy „pod” chmurę? O migracji do AWS z perspektywy własnych doświadczeń w Ringier Axel Springer.
Case study
Można zakładać, że w branży IT zmiana jest jedyną stałą i nie powinna nas dziwić. Niemniej decyzja o migracji do chmury publicznej AWS największego polskiego portalu internetowego Onet, czyli faktycznie ogromnej większości rozwiązań technologicznych Ringier Axel Springer, to nawet dla tego grona ogromne wyzwanie – również managerskie. Opowiem o naszej drodze do AWS z kilku perspektyw: • ludzkiej – o obawach w przededniu migracji • finansowej – jak wyglądała w tym miejscu zmiana modelu finansowego z inwestycyjnego na kosztowy • budowania kompetencji – z czym przyszło nam się mierzyć i jak można pomóc sobie w rozwiązaniu tego problemu • zmiany organizacyjnej – jak zaczynaliśmy, gdzie dziś jesteśmy i jaką drogą podążaliśmy
Paweł Czarny
IT Manager - Cloud Platforms Department @ Ringier Axel Springer Tech
Digital Signage – przyszłość na wyświetlaczach
Case study
Jak wygląda cyfrowa komunikacja przyszłości w burze, sklepie lub na ulicy? Czym jest Digital Signage i jakie niesie możliwości i trendy? To wszystko oczami praktyka, producenta i beneficjenta rozwiązań DS, a głosem swoich klientów opowie Marcin Sas – Key Account Manager z Samsung Polska.
Marcin Sas
Key Account Manager @ Samsung
Biznes w czasach pandemii
Case study
Rok 2020 upływa pod znakiem koronawirusa. Jak COVID-19 zmienił nasze biznesy i życie naszych klientów? Jak zmieniło się podejście do chmury, bezpieczeństwa i pracy zdalnej, a także dlaczego telekomy stały się znów ulubionymi dostawcami usług? Praktyczne przykłady i doświadczenia z perspektywy dostawcy usług ICT.
Tomasz Łużak
Product Owner, IT Security @ T-Mobile Polska SA
Money follows Data: czyli jak rozmawiać z zarządem o inwestycjach w dane i infrastrukturę IT.
Case study
Dane są największą wartością każdej organizacji, a przychód i rozwój podąża za danymi. Od kilku lat obserwujemy też wzrost wartości danych archiwalnych. Cykl życia projektów strategicznych skraca się, a kolejne kryzysy (jak choćby obecna pandemia) pokazują że elastyczność to podstawa. Czy czas kryzysu to czas na inwestycje? Jak rozmawiać o innowacjach i inwestycjach z szefem lub zarządem? W jaki sposób zaprezentować wartość danych osobom decyzyjnym w organizacji? O wszystkim opowiem na prezentacji Money follows Data 3 takeaways • Jak rozmawiać o projektach IT i innowacjach z osobami nietechnicznymi • Jak skraca sie cykl zycia projektów i planowania strategii • Dlaczego skalowalność i elastyczność to podstawa
Piotr Brychczyński
Business Development Manager and Sales Director @ Fujitsu Poland
Cloud only journey at Polcom Group
Case study
Polcom is one of leading volumetric steel frame building manufacturers in the world. Wojciech Poludniewski, the company’s CIO, will share why and how they chose to implement an new IT system based entirely on the could. Apart from discussing the details of the project, the pros and the cons of the selected solution, Wojciech will present how this approach affected the company as such and the organization of internal IT.
Wojciech Południewski
Chief Information Officer @ Polcom Group
Remote, globally spread, multicultural team spirit – Myth or reality
Case study
Building and managing remote teams might be challenging and not always work. Without a real team spirit, no team will perform at their best. Is it even possible to build a team spirit between remote, globally spread, multicultural group of contractors? In this session, I will focus on facts and myths about remote teams. I’ll present best practices about building and managing remote teams basing on success and failure stories. We’ll also try to answer a question … Is it really that different from a typical stationary team?
Filip Hanaczewski
DBA Manager - Managed Services @ Percona
Data-oriented team leading: Tracking skills and behaviours
Case study
We can do better than just “line manager to employee” feedback. A carefully made survey with a bit of data analysis can generate surprising personal feedback reports and also increase the team’s awareness. I am sharing my experience, toolset and insights after doing this in practice. By looking from multiple perspectives, we tend to get more robust and complete understandings. We can apply this principle when leading a team. In fact, 360-degree or multi-rater feedback is a well known approach, but its effectiveness totally depends on how well it is tailored to the team and the organisation. We discuss here concrete details on how to implement a similar approach in a software development team, making use of data analysis and visualisation. In the end, both leader and team members get valuable insights to improve their work and daily life.
Pedro Nucci
Data Scientist @ Grand Parade
Transformation into Agile Organization at Scale
Case study
An agile IT department is not only a business expectation but also an essential criterium for efficiency. While this is a relatively simple task for small businesses, it can be much more difficult in large corporations. IT managers who want to really improve their organization must find answers to a number of questions. What’s the required mindset to successfully perform agile organization transformation? How to improve the efficiency of IT organizations while not creating chaos? How to involve employees in the decision-making process so that they feel co-responsible for the result? During my presentation, I will share my experiences and specific examples that address those questions.
Łukasz Wierciński
Head of Technology Center @ Roche
How are some of the world’s leading companies and organizations implementing mindfulness programs and what benefits, if any are they experiencing?
Case study
Let me take you through the perspectives of 5 leaders from 5 companies (Amazon, Red Hat, Vodafone, L’Oreal, and Ford) and tell you their stories of how they have been implementing mindfulness programs at their work. Hear their challenges and opportunities. Learn what benefits and risks they have experienced. And learn a short practice or two of how you can be even more mindful. Key Takeaways: 3 ways to bring mindfulness into your organization (or any other program for that matter). 3 short, hands-on mindful practices 3 case studies to share over the dinner table.
Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
Kręta droga do ścieżek kariery
Case study
O wypracowywaniu ścieżek kariery z perspektywy HR i managera IT Czy managerowie i specjaliści IT podobnie myślą o rozwoju? Jakie kompetencje są kluczowe? Jak je zmierzyć? I jak uwzględnić wartości firmy w systemie oceny. To tylko niektóre z wyzwań, z którymi zmierzyłyśmy się podczas wypracowywania nowej struktury stanowisk IT w Ringier Axel Springer Polska. W naszej prezentacji opowiemy o tym jak udało się zaangażować w zmianę naszych inżynierów i co z tego wynikło, o postrzeganiu przez inżynierów kluczowych kompetencji we współczesnym świecie IT oraz o tym, czy perspektywy specjalistów i managerów IT połączyły się w tym projekcie, czy wręcz przeciwnie. Opowiemy też o konsekwencjach wprowadzonej zmiany, zarówno tych pozytywnych, jak i negatywnych.
Karolina Buchała
IT Manager @ Ringier Axel Springer Tech
Magda Kędra
People Partner obszaru IT @ Ringier Axel Springer Polska
IT Manager of Tomorrow – Tomorrow of IT Manager
Panel discussion
W trakcie dyskusji, wspólnie z jurorami oraz laureatem tegorocznej edycji IT Manager of Tomorrow odniesiemy się do wyzwań i trendów jakie są związane z rolą IT i osób zarządzających technologią w dużych organizacjach. Będzie energicznie, merytorycznie i trochę humorystycznie.
Przemysław Zakrzewski
Head of Corporate Technology Center @ ABB
Krzysztof Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Let's Manage IT
Marcin Piątkowski
Winner of the IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards
Fix Workplaces. Not Women
Panel discussion
Workplaces do not work for everyone in the same way as they were never designed for difference. They were designed for an ideal worker to succeed. The more you differ from the ideal the more barriers you are going to face. Let’s try to unpack the message and find out what holds women back…
Aga Światowa
VP Technology and Innovation @ Discovery Inc.
Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify
Anna Sroka
CEO @ The Female Enterprise
Marta Adamek – Trzaskalska
EMEA IT Platform Services Portfolio and Project Management Lead @ Aon
Analytics in the Fast Lane – how Formula 1 embraced a data-driven environment
Lightning talks
Conversation between Neil Martin and Mark Gallagher followed by an open Q&A with the audience.
Mark Gallagher
Managing Director @ Performance Insights Ltd
Neil Martin
Former Head of Operations, Scuderia Ferrari, and former Head of Strategy and Technology @ McLaren Racing and Red Bull Racing
The Art of Writing Headlines
You know you understand your story only if you can tell it keeping it simple, clear and short. What if “short” means seven words? Well, then you might use the skill of writing headlines. They need to be brief and to the point. Informative and catchy. Exciting but not misleading. Create a headline and sell and tell your story with a little help from the former BBC Online journalist, now InterComm’s executive communication consultant Rafał Motriuk. With your headline and your story will you be able to leave your audiences hungry for more?
Aleksandra Motriuk
Executive Managing Director @ InterComm Coaching & Communication
Rafał Motriuk
Executive Communications Consultant @ InterComm Coaching & Communication
Imagination versus reality. The way of women from young leader to senior executive.
New insights toward a requisite Board Competencies Matrix, contextual dynamics, enabling factors and boundaries to develop leadership presence. A workshop based on research on identifying combination of skills and experience to succeed with promotion to boards and senior executive level.
Anna Sroka
CEO @ The Female Enterprise
Mastermind IT Manager of Tomorrow
Gear up Workshops
Czym jest Program Mastermind IT Manager of Tomorrow? Wyobraź sobie, że masz dostęp do wiedzy i rozwiązań wypracowanych przez kilkudziesięciu managerów IT. Łączy Was wspólny cel – chcecie rozwijać siebie i swoje organizacje. Pomyśl, ile możecie razem osiągnąć współpracując, dzieląc się wiedzą i dając sobie wsparcie. Zapraszamy na sesje Programu Mastermind IT Manager of Tomorrow. Wraz z pozostałymi uczestnikami skupicie się na wypracowaniu rozwiązań wyzwań, które przyniesiecie na warsztat. Efektem będą konkretne recepty i inspiracje do wdrożenia zaraz po warsztacie. Siłą tej sesji jest struktura, o którą dbają prowadzący i agenda, którą tworzą uczestnicy. Przed spotkaniem prześlemy informacje, jak się do niego przygotować.
Krzysztof Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Let's Manage IT
Bartosz Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Conlea
Skuteczność Personalna – Personal Accountability
Gear up Workshops
W ramach warsztatu uczestnicy zapoznają się z zagadnieniami związanymi z zarządzaniem samym sobą, jak i innymi, bez względu na zajmowaną pozycję w organizacji. Omówimy elementy odpowiedzialności osobistej, odpowiedzialności zespołowej i organizacyjnej, trzymania innych odpowiedzialnymi i gotowości do zmiany. Wprowadzane zagadnienia teoretyczne zostaną poparte szeregiem praktycznych przykładów i zastosowań w biznesie. Uczestnicy uzyskają wiedzę i narzędzia pozwalające na efektywne zarządzanie samym sobą podczas zmiany i w sytuacji gdy dzieje się ona niespodziewanie. Jak i umiejętność egzekwowania zleconych prac.
Łukasz Wierciński
Head of Technology Center @ Roche
The Mindful Leader Workshop
Gear up Workshops
Learn hands on what it takes to be a mindful leader. Theory is cheap. Let’s practice. We will cover the basics of awareness and self-awareness, self-regulation and emotional intelligence, as well as how to develop more focus and maintain peak performance.
Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
Cyber Office 2020
Gear up Workshops
Year 2020. Secure and protected? No secret that in these troubling times the business environment is getting even more vague and complex. Obviously, it’s difficult to predict what the future holds, and this uncertainty triggers various additional threats in our physical, social, and cyber spaces. So what can you do? You can continue feel anxious, or you can master some useful techniques which can become your lifejacket to steer through turbulent waters. If you are in favour of the latter, come to our workshop! Being IT Security Professionals by trade and leading cross-team collaboration in an international organisation, we help it not only be IT secure but also support teams in identifying process risks and becoming resilient against teamwork vulnerabilities. It’s all about the Defence in Depth strategy which we’ll prove its analogy can be universal and applied to many areas – not only Cyber Security. We devised a management game, interactive exercises and compiled useful information to present you with multiple layers and independent methods you can introduce to defend yourself and your team against each letter in this infamous VUCA word. By the end of the workshop, you’ll be geared up with many practical lifehacks on how to: Make your international team feel safe, and secure its collaboration – Identify risks in your threat model and introduce right requirements – Patch communication skills – Upgrade mind-ware (emotional and cultural intelligence) We guarantee you’ll be safe and sound on a journey with us!
Izabela Ohler
Senior IT Security Specialist @ Nordea
Alesia Muravitskaya
Information Technology Security Specialist @ Nordea
Nastassia Halich
IT Security Specialist (IAM), Scrum Master @ Nordea
Designing Your (Career) Life
Gear up Workshops
Inspired by the #1 New York Times Best Seller „Designing Your Life,” the Design Thinking methodology/mindset, as well as other best practices, in this workshop we will explore how design thinking can help us build a career and life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who or where you are, what yo do or have done for a living, or how young or old you are. It will be a hands on, practical workshop where you will actually start to design and plan your career/life. Key Takeaways -Three Different (Career) Life Prototypes -Ideas to revamp your current (Career) Life -Meaning Making Best Practices -Design Thinking Process Best Practices -Clarity on Dysfunctional Beliefs -Gravity Problem Reframing -Fun, Interactive Experience
Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
Human centric learning experience design
Gear up Workshops
To lead and manage is essentially to help others learn and grow within the context of work. Outsourcing learning into the training room, conference hall or brown-bag lunch session is, while attractive, shortsighted. Managers and leaders teach, if they want to or not. They teach by how they act around others. They teach by how they communicate, by how they relate to their team, and by the way they accompany the processes of doing the work. In this workshop, Bastian Küntzel will introduce participants to the highly acclaimed learning experience design framework called The Learner’s Journey. If your job involves helping others learn (and every job does) you do not want to miss this.
Bastian Küntzel
CEO & Co-Founder @ Incontro Training
Depression and how companies can go about this mental health issue
Gear up Workshops
InterComm’s experts tell their depression story based on personal experience. One is a former sufferer, the other is his life and business partner supporting him throughout. Deeply personal and very different narratives of the same experience amount to one fuller picture of this mental health issue offering others a guide to maintaining good mental strength. Find out which symptoms to watch out for in yourself, close ones and in colleagues and team members. Plus, tips of what (not) to do when you suspect someone feels low. Depression is a leading cause of disability; untreated it can lead to suicide. It affects employees and employers. Sharing his personal story will be a former sufferer, ex-BBC journalist, now InterComm’s consultant Rafal Motriuk. Joined by his wife, Aleksandra, a PCC ICF coach and mentor to recount her experience as a life partner of a clinically depressed. Powerful, personal and unmissable awareness session for anyone with wellbeing in their hearts and minds.
Aleksandra Motriuk
Executive Managing Director @ InterComm Coaching & Communication
Rafał Motriuk
Executive Communications Consultant @ InterComm Coaching & Communication