Gear-up Day

Prepare for the conference by participating in practical workshops

What is Gear-up Day?

Gear-up workshops are full-day programs that focus on practical aspects of the IT Manager role. You will have a unique opportunity to participate in professional workshops and develop the skills you need to be ready for tomorrow.

During workshops we are covering the most relevant topics in practical way

Personal branding for IT Manger of Tomorrow

How to create a product-centric organization

Personal and team productivity

Building High Performing IT Teams

Effective team communication

Creating IT Strategy

Mental Health for the leader and the team

Change management in a dynamic world

Decision making, goal setting - how to do it right?

Gear-up workshops delivered during previous editions


Wojciech Wereszko

True Leadership zaczyna się…od świadomego doboru współpracowników


Agnieszka Jagusiak

Coachingowy styl liderowania – w pigułce

Eliza Stasińska kwadrat

Eliza Stasińska

IT Manager of tomorrow – your dream about you tomorrow requires the right steps today


Piotr Majkowski

Let’s talk about Spotify our culture, agility and more…

Bartosz Bartek Kozakiewicz

Bartosz Kozakiewicz

Decision making for IT leaders

Maciej Obuchowski

Maciej Obuchowski

Implementacja RPA okiem praktyka

Ostręga 2

Dawid Ostręga

Leading high-performing teams


Piotr Jankowski

Ludzie daleko i co teraz, Liderze?


Michał Trędowski

Skuteczne zarządzanie finansami osobistymi

Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård

Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård

Let’s talk about LEGO, our culture, agility and more…

Bastian Küntzel

Bastian Küntzel

Leadership is a Choice: Leading colleagues, leading your leader, leading yourself

Maciej Sowiński

Maciej Sowiński

Droga do samoorganizacji w Twoim zespole

Wojciech Wereszko

True Leadership zaczyna się…od świadomego doboru współpracowników

Dawid Ostręga

Leading high-performing teams

Agnieszka Jagusiak

Coachingowy styl liderowania – w pigułce

Piotr Jankowski

Ludzie daleko i co teraz, Liderze?

Eliza Stasińska

IT Manager of tomorrow – your dream about you tomorrow requires the right steps today

Michał Trędowski

Skuteczne zarządzanie finansami osobistymi

Piotr Majkowski

Let’s talk about Spotify our culture, agility and more…

Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård

Let’s talk about LEGO, our culture, agility and more…

Bartosz Kozakiewicz

Decision making for IT leaders

Bastian Küntzel

Leadership is a Choice: Leading colleagues, leading your leader, leading yourself

Maciej Obuchowski

Implementacja RPA okiem praktyka

Maciej Sowiński

Droga do samoorganizacji w Twoim zespole