IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards
Take part in the contest or recommend a person for the 2025 edition!

Meet the winners of the ITMT Awards 2024
Discover who won recognition in the technology industry this year!
ITMT AWARDS 2024 winners
Transformation Recordings

Hear the stories of participants in the IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards
Wondering if the competition is for you? Explore the journey of past winners and learn more about the IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards process.
Watch the video

Marcin Prokop to host ITMT Awards 2024
The Polish journalist and TV presenter served as host of the IT Manager of Tomorrow conference and hosted this year's finals.
IT Manager of Tomorrow Conference
Idea IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards
IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards is an initiative promoting the best IT managers in Poland responsible for transformations in their companies. Since 2018, an independent Jury has been selecting the best IT leader. The competition is an opportunity to share your story and inspire others. It has been supporting the career development of IT managers for years. IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards is not only the competition itself, but membership in the most active community of IT managers in Poland.
Have you managed a successful transformation? The initiative you undertook was successful? Your actions brought direct and indirect benefits to the organization? Tell us what the process looked like in your industry during your final speech at the IT Manager of Tomorrow conference in Gdynia.



Who is the competition for?
You can apply if:
You have been an IT Manager/Manager for 2-10 years.
You manage an IT team/area, preferably at the so-called mid-management level.
You are a leader/leader of real change and have successfully completed an IT transformation with your team.
You challenge the status quo, even if it involves risk and having to deal with multiple challenges.
You have leadership skills, passion and the ability to create culture and values in the organization.
You strive "to the top," constantly looking for opportunities to grow and learn, as well as a chance to get to the next level of your career.
You are an inspiration and want to share your knowledge and experience with others.
What should your transformation be characterized by?
1. having a technological nature.
2. Delivering real business value.
3. Introducing sustainable organizational change.
4. Revolutionary and innovative in the context of your organization and industry.
5. Is not a promotion of a product/service offered by an IT vendor.
6. You have led it, you are the leader/leaders of the initiative.
Looking for revolutionary transformations in key IT areas
Infrastructure & IT Operations
Cloud Transformation
Security, Cybersecurity $ Risks
Digital Transformation
Automation, Robotization - South Africa
IT Service Management
Software Development & Delivery
Data & Analytics
Agile/DevOps Transformation
(Digital) Workplace
Infrastructure & IT Operations
Cloud Transformation
Security, Cybersecurity $ Risks
Digital Transformation
Automation, Robotization – RPA
IT Service Management
Software Development & Delivery
Data & Analytics
Agile/DevOps Transformation
(Digital) Workplace
Get inspired by ITMT Awards Shorts
Feel the atmosphere of the competition and check out the final presentations.


What do you gain by signing up?
Support in personal development
Support in career development
Mentoring support from recognized IT industry leaders
Participation in public speaking training
Valuable contacts
IT leader's personal brand
Inspiring others
Inspiration for further action
Wsparcie w rozwoju osobistym
Wsparcie w rozwoju kariery
Wsparcie mentorskie uznanych liderów branży IT
Udział w szkoleniu z wystąpień publicznych
Cenne kontakty
Markę osobistą lidera IT
Inspirowanie innych
Inspirację do dalszych działań
What does the competition look like
IT Manager of Tomorrow Awards?
Attend the IT Manager of Tomorrow conference
The IT Manager of Tomorrow conference is an integral part of the competition, and like it, the event will discuss three main topics related to being a good leader:
- Leadership & Culture
- Business & Strategy
- Technology & Information

Do you have questions about the competition? Want to find out if your case is appropriate?
Fill out the form and we will answer all your questions during a short conversation.