IT Manager of Tomorrow 2021
Sprawdź tematy naszych prelekcji, warsztatów, wywiadów, paneli dyskusyjnych oraz prelegentów poprzednich edycji

Agenda 2021

Robert Radziejewski
Team Manager - IT Compliance and Governance @ Sp z o.o.
Porozmawiajmy o e-commerce, unikalnej kulturze w Allegro i więcej…

Alena Milutina
Senior Interaction Designer @ Google
How to run successful design sprint – Bring your challange

Amir Elion
Digital Innovation Lead, Nordics @ Amazon Web Services
Culture of innovation
Amazon’s approach to innovation has remained consistent since the company first launched – start with the customer, and work backwards. To support long-term innovation at speed and scale, Amazon’s Culture of Innovation is organized around four interdependent elements: Culture, Mechanisms, Architecture, Organization Topic: #high-performing and learning organizations

Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify
Is the team autonomy the only thing that you really need?
Is the team autonomy really the Holy Grail of agile development practices? What are the drawbacks of unlimited autonomy and what can be done to avoid them? What is the role of leadership and management in this process? Topic: #agility at scale #high-performing and learning organizations

Mercedes Escala
VP Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives @ IBM
Building up a strong international Teams
Driving engagement across your teams. Topic: #high-performing and learning organizations #career and professional growth

Dominika Pacyna
Service Architect @ StoneX
Transformacja nie musi być droga. Praktyczny poradnik jak za darmo wprowadzać zmiany, na myśl o których nawet IT poczuje ekscytację.
„Nie możemy tego zrobić, bo nie mamy dobrego toola”, „To by trzeba mieć nowy system do raportowania”, „Zawsze to tak robiliśmy” Brzmi znajomo? No dobra, czasami rzeczywiście nie mamy narzędzia, ale znacznie częściej możemy mimo to zmieniać i wpływać na nasze organizacje jeśli zrozumiemy, po co tu jesteśmy i co mamy do zrobienia. W jakim […] Topic: #Digital Transformation

Paweł Pszczółkowski
Projects Portfolio Director, Acting Head of Agile @ Nationale-Nederlanden
Big Room Planning zdalnie i efektywnie jednocześnie – czy to możliwe?
Case Study na przykładzie Nationale-Nederlanden – jak w czasie pandemii i pracy zdalnej zarządzamy zależnościami i organizujemy Big Room Planning. Jakie rezultaty osiągnęliśmy do tej pory i jak widzimy ten proces w przyszłości. Topic: #agility at scale

Iryna Szwabowska
Sales Manager, Commercial Accounts and Global Customers @ Dell Technologies
Jak zacząć zmieniać świat za 200$?
Postęp technologiczny ma ogromny wpływ na naszą planetę. Warto postawić sobie pytanie: w jaki sposób my, managerowie IT, możemy przyczynić się do ulepszenia świata? Czy decyzje, które na co dzień podejmujemy – dotyczące sprzętu IT, budowania zespołów i zaangażowania w projekty mają w tym kontekście jakieś znaczenie? Posłuchaj, jak możesz zacząć zmieniać świat za 200 dolarów kwartalnie. Topic: #career and professional growth

Eliza Stasińska
Head of IT Enterprise Applications Portfolio & CTO@SSC @ mBank S.A.
IT Manager of tomorrow is driven by tomorrow.
Co powinniśmy brać pod uwagę w kontekście jutra? Nie tylko technologię, ale też biznes, który wspieramy, partnerów, którym towarzyszymy, organizację, którą współtworzymy. „Menadżer IT jutra” potrafi dziś działać tak, by zabezpieczyć otoczenie na wyzwania przyszłości. Tak by jutro być pierwszym partnerem, o którym się myśli w kontekście wspólnego budowania organizacji i biznesu. W ten sposób, zabezpiecza też „swoje” jutro zawodowe. Tyle, że jako efekt swoich działań, a nie ich pierwszy cel. Zapewnia popyt na swoje usługi, a w konsekwencji otwiera sobie drogę do wyboru projektu, obszaru, a nawet pracodawcy, czy przyszłej roli. Menedżer IT jutra, to współodpowiedzialny partner, nie dostawca. Solidna opoka i przewodnik po świecie technologii. Myśli o jutrze każdego dnia. A o czym konkretnie? Topic: #Professional Growth #high-performing and learning organizations

Alena Milutina
Senior Interaction Designer @ Google
How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
Historically companies invested a lot of time, resources and money in building a new product, and sometimes only to find out ...that it doesn’t work. With the design sprints you can answer critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers within just five days. The workshop includes a full day of experiential training and mentorship to help plan a design sprint. Topic: #product management

Akshay Anand
Product Ambassador @ AXELOS®
Do high velocity organizations need IT Service Management?
{In the trailer guy voice) In a world … of “digital” product management, one question is constantly being asked – is ITSM still relevant? The answer is “yes, but not in the same way”. If you’re interested in finding out why, join Akshay Anand (Product Ambassador, ITSM) to understand: - How service organizations are changing their ways of working - Why the role of Service Management needs to change (and how) - How these trends are reflected in the ITIL 4 “High Velocity IT” publication

Andrew Tarvin
CEO @ Humor That Works
Funny to Money: Tapping Into Your Sense of Humor for Fun (and Profit)
Back after a standout session at last year's conference, Andrew Tarvin returns to take us deeper into developing our skill of humor. The truth is that you are far more capable than you think. The question isn’t, “Are you funny?” The question is “What kind of funny are you?” By combining top communication theory with science-backed research and a whole-heckuva-lotta comedic trial and error, we’ve discovered the 7 humor profiles anyone can leverage for creating humor that works (that won’t get you cancelled). Topic: #career and professional growth

Greg Sanker
CIO @ Oregon Department of Administrative Services
Excellence in Leadership
2020 was year of massive disruption for organizations. We overcame much, and we accomplished much. But one thing has become clear: Digital Transformation and the Covid pandemic haven’t so much changed the future of leadership, but rather exposed just how irrelevant traditional leadership thinking is going forward Traditional leadership models focus on what we do as leaders. What’s missing is who we are. Leaders must renegotiate their relationship with three foundational elements. This session will challenge those relationships and encourage attendees on their path to Leadership Excellence.

Robert Radziejewski
Team Manager - IT Compliance and Governance @ Sp z o.o.
O sekretach allegro.. jak mimo ciągłego wzrostu organizacji, działamy dynamicznie
O sekretach allegro.. Jak działamy w IT przy ciągłych wzrostach organizacji, współpracy z inwestorami, wejściu na giełdę. Jak dbamy o naszą kulturę organizacyjną, co pozwala nam działać efektywnie i skalować nasze rozwiązania... Mamy na to swoją receptę, swoje "sekrety", które pozwalają się nam skalować. Topic: #agility at scale #high-performing and learning organizations
Case study

Bartosz Lamparski
Project Manager @ T-Mobile

Marcin Płatek
Product Owner @ T-Mobile
Funnel Management in the Cloud: T-Mobile’s story.
Zarządzanie lejkiem sprzedaży w chmurze – case study wdrożenia systemu Salesforce dla segmentu b2b w T-mobile Polska. W dzisiejszych czasach uruchomienie chmurowego rozwiązania wspierającego proces biznesowy nie jest niczym wyjątkowym, ale wykonanie tego wspólnie z 6-cioma innym spółkami wraz z pełną integracją z systemami legacy nie jest historią, którą słyszy się codziennie. Topic: #journey to cloud

Paweł Izydorczyk
Product Implementation & Operations Manager @ GSK
The magic formula for high-performing and learning organization
How to build trusted, high-performing, and learning organizations? The formula is simple, just focus on the people who co-create them. After that, there is nothing more than fun and hard work. Listen to my story about creating our circle of trust. Topic: #high-performing and learning organizations

Tomasz Kowalczyk
Director, Digital Marketing Engineering @ GSK
Moving to Product & DevOps in large enterprise – Lessons Learned
In my presentation I will share lessons learned and observations from GSK’s journey from a traditional waterfall IT organization to Product oriented one. Underpinned by move towards in-house DevOps, investment in Agile and most important – human capital. Our journey is not over but we are far enough into it so there is enough to share and give back with community. You will have a chance to see what worked and what didn’t. What things you need to consider if you plan on embarking on this journey and how to avoid pitfalls. Topic: #product management #devops and modern service management

Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård
Agile Coach, Director @ LEGO Group
Different ways of working in a world gone digital
The world is becoming increasingly more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous as we become more and more connected across the globe through digitalization and the speed of change that comes with it. What does an old reputable company like The LEGO Group do to cope with all this change so it can keep pursuing its mission to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow? How can it stay a global force of learning through play in a world gone digital without compromising it’s core values? Hear Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård from The LEGO Group give examples of how he and his colleagues across the organization over the years have experimented with different ways of working in a world gone digital, what did they learn from it and what are some of the current challenges. Eiks presentation will combine inside stories, key concepts and his own reflections. Topic: #agility at scale

Ania Kopysiewicz
HR Manager @ Oanda Poland

Michael Bird
Director of Engineering @ OANDA
The future of work isn’t about working from home – OANDA’s case study
In 2020 Covid-19 upended our jobs and shifted the way people around the world have had to work. At the same time OANDA has grown globally with more people working across locations, time zones and teams. The question everyone has been asking is how often we will be working from home after the pandemic. When we set out to answer that question at OANDA, we discovered that whether someone was at home or in the office wasn’t the highest value problem to solve. So what was it? With this presentation we'd like to share OANDA's case study of how the Future of Work project met both business strategy and employees expectations. We'll go through the process of gaining insights, defining needs and implementing solutions. Topic: #future of workplace #COVID-19 lessons learned and stories

Maciej Szeląg
Poland Country Sales Lead @ Amazon Web Services-

Rafał Sałyga
Head of Cloud Unit @ Altkom Software & Consulting
Droga do chmury. Kiedy? Po co? Co muszę przygotować „na drogę”.
Często słyszymy, że jakaś firma "idzie do chmury" albo, że "chce iść do chmury". Ale czy na pewno wiemy co to oznacza dla naszej firmy? Dla nas i dla osób którymi zarządzamy? Na tej sesji podzielimy się doświadczeniami klientów AWS, którzy odbyli już tę podróż lub są w jej trakcie. Rafał Sałyga opowie czego nauczył się podczas migracji systemów chmury AWS, co go zaskoczyło zarówno pod kątem technicznym, jak również w kwestiach zmiany w samych organizacjach i w pracujących tam ludziach. Topic: #journey to cloud

Łukasz Grass

Roman Ficek
Od jednej małej myśli do rekordów świata
Będzie to niezwykle inspirująca rozmowa Łukasza Grassa z Romanem Fickiem o pasji, adrenalinie, emocjach, wyznaczaniu celów i przełamywaniu barier.

Patryk Dolewa
Chief Technology and Business Transformation Officer | CIO | CTO @ Gemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
Healthcare 4.0
Współczesne wyzwania branży healthcare. Transformacja cyfrowa oraz najlepsze praktyki na przykładzie Gemini Polska. Kluczowe enablery technologiczne dla sektora ochrony zdrowia przyszłości.

Bartosz Bojańczyk
Lider zespołu IT @ mBank
„Kubernetes na prodzie jest zawsze w modzie” czyli jak automatyzujemy masowe procesy biznesowe
Case study o tym, jak w mBanku automatyzujemy masowe procesy biznesowe. Topic: #devops and modern service management

Andrii Glushchenko
Agile Consultant @QAgile, Professional Scrum Trainer

Karol Krawiec
Head of Agile / Director of Digital Transformation Bureau @ PKO Bank Polski
How to reboot and manage transformation with Scrum@Scale
Each Agile Transformation is long journey of e2e change of organizational operating model with high volume of complexity and challenges alongside. Invoking change in the largest bank in Poland requires view to look at different levels of organization and even personal perspectives, starting from top management to regular employees, also with aligning whole organization towards achieving its strategic goals and ending up with making sure that each and every scrum team is effective and helps us to increase our business agility. We would like to share how scrum@scale framework helped us to reboot our agile transformation in times of high uncertainty when covid pandemic came. We will show how this framework - that is focused on PO & SM cycles - helped us to stabilize situation and introducing change. Topic: #agility at scale #high-performing and learning organizations

Alan Prystaj
Infrastructure and Hosting Service Delivery Manager @ NATEK Poland
When the whole world went remote – the value of virtualization.
Even though solutions that provided virtualization of applications and desktops are nothing new, because of the Pandemic, the demand for IT departments to provide scalable, secure and flexible solutions for users has increased dramatically. What part is virtualization playing in the future of workplace? How can virtual apps and desktops empower your business and reduce capital spending while improving remote work? Topic: #future of workplace

Tomasz Stachlewski
Architecture Lead for EMEA CEE @ Amazon
Collaboration is the Future of Workplace
Want to know how Revolut changed the place they work in? Why is collaboration the key to success? Join us to see what is the future of the workplace in one of the fastest growing companies in the world. Topic: #future of workplace

Marcin Piątkowski
Global Team Lead @ ABB
What common has a good leader, baker and captain, so how to build engaged and happy team?
Do you believe that the role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen? Is it true that the only definition of a leader is someone who has followers? Or maybe leadership is a process, which maximize the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal? In my speech, based on my observations, knowledge and experience, I will be talking about those dilemmas and other couple of the most important aspects of the leadership 🧑🏻💻 Let's meet online and share our opinion! Topic: #agility at scale

Radek Kucik
Cybersecurity Regional Sales Manager @ Palo Alto Networks

Marcin Łukaszewski
Named Account Manager Financial Sector @ Palo Alto Networks
Rób to jak najlepsi. Automatyzacja bezpieczeństwa.
Codzienność bezpieczeństwa IT Twojej firmy to praca, praca i jeszcze raz praca. A gdyby tak zwiększyć szybkość reakcji na zagrożenia o 90% i jednocześnie zmniejszyć ilość alertów bezpieczeństwa o 95%? A gdyby tak widzieć zagrożenia w jednym miejscu i jeszcze mieć do pomocy sztuczną inteligencję?

Łukasz Musch
QA Functional Lead @ HL Tech
Ewolucja jakości produktu
Takeaways: - Jak testowanie wpływa na poprawę jakości produktu - Tester, automatyk, inżynier jakości – trzy różne role, a kogo naprawdę potrzebujemy w organizacji - Kto odpowiada za jakość produktu Topic: #product management

Grzegorz Warda
Product Owner Team Lead @ HL Tech
Gdy budzi się produkt
Transformacja cyfrowa skupia się na super technologiach, czy tez podejściu zwinnym. Samo "zróbmy sobie adżajla" jednak nie wystarczy jeśli pominiemy aspekty związane z innym czynnikiem decydującym o powodzeniu całej zmiany - podejściu produktowym/zarzadzaniu produktem Topic: #product management

Paweł Rekowski
Technical Team Leader @ eMAG
Between rock and a hard place – How to combine business and IT using Big Picture EventStorming
Did you ever try to combine business and IT? Welcome to the IT leaders’ hell where you are caught between rock and a hard place. Let's assume, you have a huge, old, legacy application that even the oldest developers don't fully understand and you need to maintain and develop it. Sounds familiar?

Mark Higbie
Senior advisor @ Ford Motor Company
How Mindfulness@Ford is the Future
After three years of persistent grass-roots effort, in March 2020, a small cohort of passionate Ford employees launched a peer-driven mindfulness program that's grown from 8 to 2,200 participants. Today, the Ford Mindfulness Club offers an expanding curriculum of daily meditation classes via WebEx, in seven countries where Ford has automotive operations. Via the championship of Executive Chairman Bill Ford, the Ford Mindfulness Club has created an ardent community of colleagues and friends exploring the depths and benefits of contemplative practice. Topic: #high-performing and learning organizations

Monika Jurkiewicz
Service Management Lead @ Formula 1
A Formula 1 Season Like No Other – Service Management’s Story of a Remarkable Year
Join Monika as she talks about: - “Service Re-Design” and the role Service Management played in F1’s adaptation to the Covid-19 challenges when delivering an unprecedented 2020 Race Season - Ways in which F1’s Technology and Business teams came together during the most turbulent year to date - Modern Service Management at Formula 1 and its value even in the most unlikely scenarios Topic: #devops and modern service management #COVID-19 lessons learned and stories

Jarosław Linda
Director of Service Management @ GE Capital Bank BPH

Paweł Kaczmarek
CISO & Cybersecurity Department Director @ Nationale-Nederlanden Poland
Agile security – czyli jak w NN zintegrowaliśmy i zautomatyzowaliśmy bezpieczeństwo z procesem wytwórczym
Topic: #agility at scale #cybersecurity, privacy & risk

Łukasz Grass

Karol Bączkowski
Ratownik Medyczny & Trener Pierwszej Pomocy
Ratownik medyczny, człowiek czy już nie?
Odporność na stres, umiejętność radzenia sobie w trudnych sytuacjach, praca pod presją czasu – To umiejętności, które regularnie pojawiają się w ogłoszeniach o pracę, a w czasach Covid-19 zdecydowanie umocniły się na górze listy kompetencji każdego skutecznego Managera. Dołącz i posłuchaj niezwykle szczerej rozmowy z Karolem, w której będzie o tym: - jak w ostatnich miesiącach wyglądała na co dzień praca ratownika medycznego - jak radzić sobie w sytuacjach kryzysowych - jak budować w sobie odporność na stres - gdzie szukać siły i motywacji gdy wkoło pełno ograniczeń zewnętrznych Temat nie jest lekki i przyjemny, ale z pewnością sprowokuje do przemyśleń. Topic: #COVID-19 lessons learned and stories
Panel discussion

Monika Jurkiewicz
Service Management Lead @ Formula 1

Akshay Anand
Product Ambassador @ AXELOS®

Marcin Piątkowski
Global Team Lead @ ABB
IT Service Management of Tomorrow
Let’s talk about trends around IT Service Management. Topic: #high-performing and learning organizations #devops and modern service management

Małgorzata Kołodziejczyk
Development departament IT Manager @ Rossmann

Radosław Bujacz
Head of Software Development @ Knauf IT

Łukasz Halicki
Team Manager DevOps @ Roche
Sukcesy i porażki w transformacjach DevOps
Debata 4 praktyków, reprezentujących 4 różne organizacje na różnym etapie drogi do DevOps, w ramach której poruszymy takie zagadnienia jak: motywacje, dla których organizacje zdecydowały się rozpocząć transformację DevOps nadzieje związane z transformacją pierwsze napotkane problemy i próby poradzenia sobie z nimi rady, jakie liderzy daliby sobie w przeszłości, bogatsi o obecne doświadczenia” Topic: #devops and modern service management

Radosław Gnat
Cyber Security Strategy Expert @ GSK

Wojciech Lesicki
Senior Security Incident Responder @ GSK

Błażej Szymczak
Director of Security Operations @ Huuuge Games
Atakujący: Kto jest mną zainteresowany?
Czy zastanawialiście się kiedyś, kim są ludzie atakujący firmy? Albo próbujący poznać ich sekrety? Czy wiecie dlaczego to robią i na czyje zlecenie? Czy zastanawialiście się kiedyś jak ochronić się przed takimi atakami? Jeśli zadaliście sobie jakiekolwiek pytanie z powyższych, to dołączcie do nas na panelu. Nie musisz mieć szerokiej wiedzy technicznej, być guru security czy korpo architektem. Dołącz z otwartą głową i dowiedz się jak możesz się chronić. Topic: #cybersecurity, privacy & risk

Stefan Rautszko
Team Manager @ Roche Polska

Marcin Bohdziewicz
Head of Mobile Development @ HL Tech
Jak budować zespół w dobie deficytu pracownika?
Trying to find the right people for your team can be a difficult challenge, and it got even more tricky during the Covid epidemic. During our discussion we will share learnings from overcoming those difficulties and try to find a way which will allow you to navigate the tricky landscape of IT recruitment.” Topic: #high-performing and learning organizations

Aleksandra Kulga
Head of Human Resources @ Siemens Digital Logistics

Korneliusz Tabaka
Head Of Software Development Unit @ Siemens Digital Logistics
The Loneliness of Being a Manager
We will talk about the following topics: - New team, new fears, same fight. - Coffee/lunch break: with whom, who should initiate the meeting, what might be the implications? - You're a leader, so you “must know everything”: questions are for the weak. - Between the worlds: a team member or a company's representative. Topic: #career and professional growth

Elena Zhukova
Senior Strategic Business Analyst @ Lufthansa Systems Poland

Mateusz Paprocki

Przemek Kotecki
Head Of Portfolio Management @ Allegro

Bolesław Drapella
Founder @, LP @ Black Pearls VC
Key aspects of successful OKR implementation.
Every OKR implementation tends to be different: company size, organization culture & structure, leadership style, just to name a few. During our discussion we want to pinpoint similarities that are key to having a successful implementation. Topic: #agility at scale #high-performing and learning organizations

Krzysztof Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Let's Manage IT

Tomasz Stawarski
Global Tech Manager @ Revolut

Ania Kopysiewicz
HR Manager @ Oanda Poland

Łukasz Rojek
Account Executive @ Dell Technologies
Home office, powrót do biur, a może hybryda?
Topic: #future of workplace

Bartosz Górczyński
Managing Partner @ CIONET

Michał Plechawski
CIO @ mBank

Andrzej Miron
Management Board Member and CIO @ Nationale-Nederlanden Polska

Magdalena Nowicka
Vice President of the Management Board @ BNP Paribas Bank
Droga do CIO
Dołącz do debaty, zainspiruj się historiami trzech CIO, jak wyglądała droga zawodowa ich kamienie milowe. W trakcie debaty zostana poruszone takie tematy jak: budowanie kompetencji budowanie zespołu kluczowe kompetencje planowanie kariery

Dr Ireneusz Zalewski
Senior Director IT Products @ Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft

Rafał Stepnowski
Director of Government Affairs @ Boeing, Poland
Sukces i przyszłość globalnych centrów kompetencyjnych IT w Polsce.

Patryk Dolewa
Chief Technology and Business Transformation Officer | CIO | CTO @ Gemini Polska Sp. z o.o.

Paweł Czarny
IT Manager - Cloud Platforms Department @ Ringier Axel Springer Tech

Bartosz Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Conlea

Aleksander Gawroński
Head of IT Infrastructure @ mBank
Journey to cloud – lekcje z transformacji cloud. Wyzwania, ryzyka, czynniki sukcesu
Topic: #journey to cloud

Radosław Buszan
Sales Director MidMarket @ Dell Technologies

Łukasz Grass

Maciej Dębski
Prezes Zarządu @ Fundacja DBAM O MÓJ Z@SIĘG
Przyszłość naszej pracy. Nowe wyzwania, nowe możliwości.
Dołącz i posłuchaj debaty na tematy związane z: - Kompetencje przyszłości związane z modelem pracy hybrydowej - Jak model pracy online wpływa na takie obszary jak kreatywność, budowanie relacji, work-life balance - Jaka jest rola Managerów w kreowaniu wydajnego środowiska pracy zdalnej i hybrydowej Topic: #future of workplace #career and professional growth

Michał Well
Senior Business Manager and Service Management Consultant @ Capgemini

Krzysztof Drozd
Head of Service Management @ Clariant GBS

Marcin Żyła
CIO | Head of Information Technology @
How to avoid failing projects?
What to do when we are assigned to the trouble project which is already operating in the crisis mode? How to re-setup the project team when there is high level of uncertainty and low level of motivation? How to re-arrange a communication with the customer and stakeholders when it was not working well? If you are interested in getting to know how to answer these questions please join the panel with the experts who were successful in the managing the failing projects. Topic: #product management

Tomasz Pietrzyk
Systems Engineering Manager, Poland & Eastern Europe @ Palo Alto Networks

Michał Kozłowski
Country Director, Head Of Sales, Poland & Eastern Europe @ Palo Alto Networks
Hakerzy nie śpią. Nie pozwól im ukraść Twoich danych.
Malware, Ransomware, Phishing, Spyware. Każdego dnia powstają nowe zagrożenia i każdy z nas może stać się celem kolejnego ataku. W dobie cyfrowej transformacji i podłączania coraz większej ilości urządzeń do Internetu musimy mieć pewność, że chronimy naszą organizację w najlepszy możliwy sposób. Dowiedz się jak zespoły IT mogą zwiększyć efektywność wykrywania zagrożeń, obniżyć pracochłonność i obniżyć koszty. Topic: #cybersecurity, privacy & risk

Katarzyna Karpińska
Technical Tribe Lead, Common Connectivity Experience Tribe @ T-Mobile Polska

Krzysztof Bryła
Head of Group IT @ ESPERSEN / INSEPA Group

Paweł Banaszak
Communication and Marketing Manager @ USS United Shipping Services AB

Adrianna Przytulska
IT Process Manager @ STAPLES
Personal branding is overrated. Or not?
A strong, well-crafted personal brand can help a manager develop his/her career in the right direction. Is that really the case? Isn’t it enough to just do your job well? If you should manage the brand of “you”, how much effort does it require and where should you focus it? Join the discussion to find out: - what tools managers use in a remote-first environment to manage their brands - how a manager’s personal brand can help attract and retain top talent - how to start managing your reputation. Topic: #career and professional growth

Greg Sanker
CIO @ Oregon Department of Administrative Services

Patti Blackstaffe
CEO & Transformation Specialist @ GlobalSway

N.J. Robinson
Deputy Director of IT @ US Air Force & Principle @ Hi-Tech Leadership LLC
Essence of Digital Leadership
Why is Digital Leadership different from traditional leadership from the past? What worked for the industrial age does not work for a new digital landscape, and many struggles surface as new approaches and styles emerge. In this panel, you will meet experienced leaders discussing the essence of Digital Leadership, what is working, what isn’t working and the skills and capabilities identified for our next generation of digital leaders. Join us for a session jam-packed with practical advice for leaders at all experience levels.

Michał Choiński
Head of IT Digital Channels @ BNP Paribas Bank Polska

Sebastian Żebrowski
LeSS Scrum Master / Agile Coach @ UPC Polska

Anna Girdziejewska
DA Champion @ PMI Poland Chapter

Lech Babula
Chief Execution Leader, SPC @Nordea
Long term planning and dependencies handling – different approaches in scaled agile universe
You want to be among those who create digital solutions that people actually use? Then you have to adapt to dynamic business environment and respond to your customer’s evolving needs. How to be adaptive if you deliver the product in tight cooperation with multiple teams? Are x-team dependencies impeding your agility? Is it worth or possible at all to make a long-term plan for developing your solution? Join the panel to hear practitioners of different agile frameworks sharing their perspective on this aspect of product development. Topic: #agility at scale

Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify

Beata Wilczek
VP of Engineering @ Solarisbank

Piotr Bednarski
Corporate Customers IT Services Director @ Nationale-Nederlanden

Ewa Macias
Former Director of engineering @ Google
The role an IT Manager in agile world
Join us for a chat about things like: – What is the role of an IT manager in a nutshell? – Is being a manager in the agile environment easier or more difficult than it was in the good old days? – equality in the workplace – future or reality? and many, many more Topic: #agility at scale

Marcin Nowakowski
CEO & founder @ agile-lawyer

Anna Szczepańska
Psychologist, HR Manager @ Objectivity & Founder of expert’s project:

Wojciech Tatys
Global Business Excellence & Transformation Lead @ Discovery Inc

Justyna Andrzejewska
Director, EMEA Regional HR Operations & Transformation @ SC Johnson
How to engage, develop and retain talents
The environment we are working in is constantly changing. New technologies drive rapid process changes. Change is our new normal, but where in all of this are people? How do they feel about their roles? Do they receive the right support in growing and successfully supporting the organization? Let's try to deep dive this topic to find out how to make it work. Topic: #high-performing and learning organizations #career and professional growth

Aga Światowa
VP Technology and Innovation @ Discovery Inc.

Paweł Łopatka
VP & Country Manager @ SoftServe & ABSL Strategic Board Member

Lucyna Szyszkowiak
Commercial Excellence Program Manager @ Signify

Kinga Jaśkowiak
Talent and Succession Program Manager @ HPE
The pandemic gender effect – what’s the impact on the Tech industry?
We will discuss why women are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 crisis and how we can prevent them from leaving the tech workforce. Topic: #inclusion and women in IT
Gear up Workshops

Kevin Romijn
SAFe Program Consultant and certified SAFe, Agile, DevOps trainer.
How fly4you can support your Digital Transformation? – SAFe business simulation
We have created a SAFe business simulation which helps organizations and professionals to create the right momentum in changing their organization based on SAFe principles. During this 2 hour workshop you will be invited to experience first hand what the SAFe simulation is and how it can help organizations in their digital transformation.

Patti Blackstaffe
CEO & Transformation Specialist @ GlobalSway
Leading the Complexity of Change
Digital leaders will plot and estimate the complexity of change to develop sound resourcing and planning decisions relating to technology change and disruption, including value realization, costs and risks. In this workshop you will understand the change thresholds of complexity, the activities involved and the human responses you will encounter. You will be armed with the information needed to make a case to senior management for the level of OCM as it relates to desired performance and commitment.

Maciej Obuchowski
Senior IT Architect - Process Automation @ Arla Foods
Implementacja RPA okiem praktyka
Robotic Process Automation jeden z najszybciej rozwijających się obszarów Enterprise IT. Technologia obiecująca gigantyczne oszczędności i szybki czas wdrożenia ma zarówno zagorzałych zwolenników jak i przeciwników. Obrosła też pewnymi mitami na które postaram się rzucić trochę światła. Podczas workshopu spojrzymy na typowy plan implementacji RPA w organizacji i zaanalizujemy go od praktycznej strony, dostarczając konkretnych odpowiedzi i szczegółów przydatnych do przeprowadzenia implementacji RPA która zakończy się sukcesem. Jeśli chciałbyś dowiedzieć się więcej o implementacji RPA od praktycznej strony bądź chciałbyś zadać pytania dotyczące implementacji w której obecnie uczestniczysz, serdecznie zapraszam na mój workshop.
Dilemmas you may encounter in your DevOps journey but can solve in a safe-to-fail environment
Expected outcome of the session: Help attendees to prepare mentally and in a meritocratic way to what they may encounter in their DevOps transformations in their organizations. During this 1-hour workshop / extended interactive talk I would like to expose the attendees to several DevOps dilemmas they may encounter in their DevOps journey in their organisations. Topic: #devops and modern service management

Bob Dignen
Director @ YorkAssociates
the 8 Habits of Great International Communicators
Better communication - Better collaboration - Better results [...] Topic: #career and professional growth

Andrew Tarvin
CEO @ Humor That Works
Find Your Funny: How to Strategically Use Humor at Work
Now that you understand the importance of using humor in your work, let's talk about how to do it. Humor is a skill which means it can be learned. This session will teach you that skill by helping you understand your personal humor style and teach you a process for punching up your work to gain more laughter, increase engagement, and have a lot more fun. Topic: #career and professional growth

Paweł Banaszak
Communication and Marketing Manager @ USS United Shipping Services AB
LinkedIn – Personal Branding for IT Leaders
A strong, well-crafted personal brand can help a manager develop his/her career in the right direction. Is that really the case? Isn’t it enough to just do your job well? If you should manage the brand of “you”, how much effort does it require and where should you focus it? Join the discussion to find […] Topic: #career and professional growth

Bastian Küntzel
CEO & Co-Founder @ Incontro Training
Leadership is a Choice: Leading colleagues, leading your leader, leading yourself
Who are your leaders? No, not in the org-chart. Who do you choose to follow? Why them? Who has chosen to follow you? Why should they? In this workshop, we will explore the concept of Humane Leadership, and why leadership is a choice that many don’t make, even if they have ‘leader’ written in their job title. We will also unpack how making that choice can be transformative for you and those who you offer to lead. Saturated in humanity, confident in its humility and revolutionary in its potential. Topic: #career and professional growth

Elena Zhukova
Senior Strategic Business Analyst @ Lufthansa Systems Poland

Mateusz Paprocki
How to use OKR to drive a Digital transformation
Since COVID breakout we've started using digital tools to communicate on a scale that was unseen ever before. Lack of face-to-face contact introduced a new set of challenges with alignment and trust as key factors of success or even survival. During the workshop you will learn how to use OKRs to enhance communication across remote teams, ensure alignment and, most important, deliver strategic outcomes. Learning will take place in groups - we will go through a few cases in a role-play fashion. Prior OKR knowledge/experience is not required. Topic: #agility at scale #high-performing and learning organizations

Bartosz Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Conlea
Decision making for IT leaders
Decision making for IT leaders Gear Up is a half-day (3 hrs) learning experience during which you will increase you decision making awareness and skills. What will be discussed during this Gear-Up workshop: How we make decisions? Pitfalls and barriers to effective decision making Different types of decision situations Rational approach to decision making Topic: #career and professional growth

Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
Designing Your (Career) Life
Inspired by the #1 New York Times Best Seller "Designing Your Life," the Design Thinking methodology/mindset, as well as other best practices, in this workshop we will explore how design thinking can help us build a career and life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who or where you are, what yo do or have done for a living, or how young or old you are. It will be a hands on, practical workshop where you will actually start to design and plan your career/life. Topic: #career and professional growth

Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård
Agile Coach, Director @ LEGO Group
Let’s talk about LEGO our culture, agility and more…
Interactive ask me anything session Topic: #agility at scale

Monika Jurkiewicz
Service Management Lead @ Formula 1
Let’s talk about F1 digital, service management and more…
Interactive ask me anything session

Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify
Let’s talk about Spotify our culture, agility and more…
Interactive ask me anything session Topic: #agility at scale
Porozmawiajmy o e-commerce, unikalnej kulturze w Allegro i więcej…

Robert Radziejewski
Team Manager - IT Compliance and Governance @ Sp z o.o.
How to run successful design sprint – Bring your challange

Alena Milutina
Senior Interaction Designer @ Google
Culture of innovation
Amazon’s approach to innovation has remained consistent since the company first launched – start with the customer, and work backwards. To support long-term innovation at speed and scale, Amazon’s Culture of Innovation is organized around four interdependent elements: • Culture – be customer obsessed, hire builders, empower them to build fast, and retain a “Day 1″ culture that fosters innovation and surprises and delights customers • Mechanisms – processes and mental models that help turn good intentions into action, and facilitate highvelocity decision-making and execution • Architecture – establish a technical structure that supports rapid growth and change, reduces dependencies, and allows greater access to the technology that helps you builders build • Organization – small, autonomous teams that own what they create, with the right resources to support rapid innovation, nimble experimentation, and a single-threaded focus on their customers

Amir Elion
Digital Innovation Lead, Nordics @ Amazon Web Services
Is the team autonomy the only thing that you really need?
Is the team autonomy really the Holy Grail of agile development practices? What are the drawbacks of unlimited autonomy and what can be done to avoid them? What is the role of leadership and management in this process?

Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify
Building up a strong international Teams
Driving engagement across your teams.

Mercedes Escala
VP Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives @ IBM
Transformacja nie musi być droga. Praktyczny poradnik jak za darmo wprowadzać zmiany, na myśl o których nawet IT poczuje ekscytację.
„Nie możemy tego zrobić, bo nie mamy dobrego toola”, „To by trzeba mieć nowy system do raportowania”, „Zawsze to tak robiliśmy” Brzmi znajomo? No dobra, czasami rzeczywiście nie mamy narzędzia, ale znacznie częściej możemy mimo to zmieniać i wpływać na nasze organizacje jeśli zrozumiemy, po co tu jesteśmy i co mamy do zrobienia. W jakim celu, co i jak robimy, a nie w czym. Z pomocą w takiej zmianie zarówno operacyjnej jak i kulturowej przychodzi proces – prawdopodobnie najbardziej niedoceniane i najmniej lubiane dziecko IT. Procesy nie mają dobrej sławy nie bez powodu – każdy z nas miał do czynienia ze źle zbudowanymi, nonsensownymi procesami, które utrudniają i spowalniają pracę czy dokładają obowiązków. Tymczasem dobry, wartościowy i prosty proces przynosi szereg korzyści, pozwala wprowadzić usprawnienia, które nie tylko przybliżą nas do celu, ale przede wszystkim pozwolą wpływać na kulturę pracy w zespole czy firmie. Jak? Tego dowiecie się z krótkiego poradnika, przepisu na procesy, który krok po kroku pomoże Wam usprawnić pracę w waszych zespołach, osiągać cele i zmieniać kulturę organizacji.

Dominika Pacyna
Service Architect @ StoneX
Big Room Planning zdalnie i efektywnie jednocześnie – czy to możliwe?
Case Study na przykładzie Nationale-Nederlanden – jak w czasie pandemii i pracy zdalnej zarządzamy zależnościami i organizujemy Big Room Planning. Jakie rezultaty osiągnęliśmy do tej pory i jak widzimy ten proces w przyszłości.

Paweł Pszczółkowski
Projects Portfolio Director, Acting Head of Agile @ Nationale-Nederlanden
Jak zacząć zmieniać świat za 200$?
Postęp technologiczny ma ogromny wpływ na naszą planetę. Warto postawić sobie pytanie: w jaki sposób my, managerowie IT, możemy przyczynić się do ulepszenia świata? Czy decyzje, które na co dzień podejmujemy – dotyczące sprzętu IT, budowania zespołów i zaangażowania w projekty mają w tym kontekście jakieś znaczenie? Posłuchaj, jak możesz zacząć zmieniać świat za 200 dolarów kwartalnie.

Iryna Szwabowska
Sales Manager, Commercial Accounts and Global Customers @ Dell Technologies
IT Manager of tomorrow is driven by tomorrow.
Co powinniśmy brać pod uwagę w kontekście jutra? Nie tylko technologię, ale też biznes, który wspieramy, partnerów, którym towarzyszymy, organizację, którą współtworzymy. „Menadżer IT jutra” potrafi dziś działać tak, by zabezpieczyć otoczenie na wyzwania przyszłości. Tak by jutro być pierwszym partnerem, o którym się myśli w kontekście wspólnego budowania organizacji i biznesu. W ten sposób, zabezpiecza też „swoje” jutro zawodowe. Tyle, że jako efekt swoich działań, a nie ich pierwszy cel. Zapewnia popyt na swoje usługi, a w konsekwencji otwiera sobie drogę do wyboru projektu, obszaru, a nawet pracodawcy, czy przyszłej roli. Menedżer IT jutra, to współodpowiedzialny partner, nie dostawca. Solidna opoka i przewodnik po świecie technologii. Myśli o jutrze każdego dnia. A o czym konkretnie?

Eliza Stasińska
Head of IT Enterprise Applications Portfolio & CTO@SSC @ mBank S.A.
How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days
Historically companies invested a lot of time, resources and money in building a new product, and sometimes only to find out …that it doesn’t work. With the design sprints you can answer critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with customers within just five days. The workshop includes a full day of experiential training and mentorship to help plan a design sprint.

Alena Milutina
Senior Interaction Designer @ Google
Do high velocity organizations need IT Service Management?
{In the trailer guy voice) In a world … of “digital” product management, one question is constantly being asked – is ITSM still relevant? The answer is “yes, but not in the same way”. If you’re interested in finding out why, join Akshay Anand (Product Ambassador, ITSM) to understand: How service organizations are changing their ways of working Why the role of Service Management needs to change (and how) How these trends are reflected in the ITIL 4 “High Velocity IT” publication

Akshay Anand
Product Ambassador @ AXELOS®
Funny to Money: Tapping Into Your Sense of Humor for Fun (and Profit)
Back after a standout session at last year’s conference, Andrew Tarvin returns to take us deeper into developing our skill of humor. The truth is that you are far more capable than you think. The question isn’t, “Are you funny?” The question is “What kind of funny are you?” By combining top communication theory with science-backed research and a whole-heckuva-lotta comedic trial and error, we’ve discovered the 7 humor profiles anyone can leverage for creating humor that works (that won’t get you cancelled). In this session, you will: -Discover why humor is desperately needed in the new normal -Learn about your personal humor style -Identify ways to turn laughs into leadership

Andrew Tarvin
CEO @ Humor That Works
Excellence in Leadership
2020 was year of massive disruption for organizations. We overcame much, and we accomplished much. But one thing has become clear: Digital Transformation and the Covid pandemic haven’t so much changed the future of leadership, but rather exposed just how irrelevant traditional leadership thinking is going forward Traditional leadership models focus on what we do as leaders. What’s missing is who we are. Leaders must renegotiate their relationship with three foundational elements. This session will challenge those relationships and encourage attendees on their path to Leadership Excellence.

Greg Sanker
CIO @ Oregon Department of Administrative Services
O sekretach allegro.. jak mimo ciągłego wzrostu organizacji, działamy dynamicznie
O sekretach allegro.. Jak działamy w IT przy ciągłych wzrostach organizacji, współpracy z inwestorami, wejściu na giełdę. Jak dbamy o naszą kulturę organizacyjną, co pozwala nam działać efektywnie i skalować nasze rozwiązania… Mamy na to swoją receptę, swoje „sekrety”, które pozwalają się nam skalować.

Robert Radziejewski
Team Manager - IT Compliance and Governance @ Sp z o.o.
Funnel Management in the Cloud: T-Mobile’s story.
Case study
Zarządzanie lejkiem sprzedaży w chmurze – case study wdrożenia systemu Salesforce dla segmentu b2b w T-mobile Polska. W dzisiejszych czasach uruchomienie chmurowego rozwiązania wspierającego proces biznesowy nie jest niczym wyjątkowym, ale wykonanie tego wspólnie z 6-cioma innym spółkami wraz z pełną integracją z systemami legacy nie jest historią, którą słyszy się codziennie.

Bartosz Lamparski
Project Manager @ T-Mobile

Marcin Płatek
Product Owner @ T-Mobile
The magic formula for high-performing and learning organization
Case study
How to build trusted, high-performing, and learning organizations? The formula is simple, just focus on the people who co-create them. After that, there is nothing more than fun and hard work. Listen to my story about creating our circle of trust.

Paweł Izydorczyk
Product Implementation & Operations Manager @ GSK
Moving to Product & DevOps in large enterprise – Lessons Learned
Case study
In my presentation I will share lessons learned and observations from GSK’s journey from a traditional waterfall IT organization to Product oriented one. Underpinned by move towards in-house DevOps, investment in Agile and most important – human capital. Our journey is not over but we are far enough into it so there is enough to share and give back with community. You will have a chance to see what worked and what didn’t. What things you need to consider if you plan on embarking on this journey and how to avoid pitfalls.

Tomasz Kowalczyk
Director, Digital Marketing Engineering @ GSK
Different ways of working in a world gone digital
Case study
The world is becoming increasingly more volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous as we become more and more connected across the globe through digitalization and the speed of change that comes with it. What does an old reputable company like The LEGO Group do to cope with all this change so it can keep pursuing its mission to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow? How can it stay a global force of learning through play in a world gone digital without compromising it’s core values? Hear Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård from The LEGO Group give examples of how he and his colleagues across the organization over the years have experimented with different ways of working in a world gone digital, what did they learn from it and what are some of the current challenges. Eiks presentation will combine inside stories, key concepts and his own reflections.

Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård
Agile Coach, Director @ LEGO Group
The future of work isn’t about working from home – OANDA’s case study
Case study
In 2020 Covid-19 upended our jobs and shifted the way people around the world have had to work. At the same time OANDA has grown globally with more people working across locations, time zones and teams. The question everyone has been asking is how often we will be working from home after the pandemic. When we set out to answer that question at OANDA, we discovered that whether someone was at home or in the office wasn’t the highest value problem to solve. So what was it? With this presentation we’d like to share OANDA’s case study of how the Future of Work project met both business strategy and employees expectations. We’ll go through the process of gaining insights, defining needs and implementing solutions.

Ania Kopysiewicz
HR Manager @ Oanda Poland

Michael Bird
Director of Engineering @ OANDA
Droga do chmury. Kiedy? Po co? Co muszę przygotować „na drogę”.
Case study
Często słyszymy, że jakaś firma „idzie do chmury” albo, że „chce iść do chmury”. Ale czy na pewno wiemy co to oznacza dla naszej firmy? Dla nas i dla osób którymi zarządzamy? Na tej sesji podzielimy się doświadczeniami klientów AWS, którzy odbyli już tę podróż lub są w jej trakcie. Rafał Sałyga opowie czego nauczył się podczas migracji systemów chmury AWS, co go zaskoczyło zarówno pod kątem technicznym, jak również w kwestiach zmiany w samych organizacjach i w pracujących tam ludziach.

Maciej Szeląg
Poland Country Sales Lead @ Amazon Web Services-

Rafał Sałyga
Head of Cloud Unit @ Altkom Software & Consulting
Od jednej małej myśli do rekordów świata
Case study
Przekracza bariery i granice wszelkich możliwości. Swoimi niezwykłymi osiągnięciami co chwilę podpisuję się pod słynnym hasłem „anything is possible”. Pasja do biegania pojawiła się w jego zyciu nagle, niewiele ponad 7 lat, po jednym z wyjść na wschód słońca na Babią Górę poczuł co chce w życiu robić, zaiskrzyło coś co było w nim uśpione. Od tamtej pory oddał się tej pasji bez reszty i m,in. wbiegł na 55 tatrzańskich dwutysięczników, zdobył 28 najwyższych szczytów Tatr w ciągu niecałych83 godzin, 9-krotnie w ciągu jednej doby wbiegł na Rysy. Dziś jego priorytetem i celem jest zostanie jednym z najlepszych ultra maratończyków świata. Będzie to niezwykle inspirująca rozmowa Łukasza Grassa z Romanem Fickiem o pasji, adrenalinie, emocjach, wyznaczaniu celów i przełamywaniu barier.

Łukasz Grass

Roman Ficek
Healthcare 4.0
Case study
Współczesne wyzwania branży healthcare. Transformacja cyfrowa oraz najlepsze praktyki na przykładzie Gemini Polska. Kluczowe enablery technologiczne dla sektora ochrony zdrowia przyszłości.

Patryk Dolewa
Chief Technology and Business Transformation Officer | CIO | CTO @ Gemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
„Kubernetes na prodzie jest zawsze w modzie” czyli jak automatyzujemy masowe procesy biznesowe
Case study
Case study o tym, jak w mBanku automatyzujemy masowe procesy biznesowe.

Bartosz Bojańczyk
Lider zespołu IT @ mBank
How to reboot and manage transformation with Scrum@Scale
Case study
Each Agile Transformation is long journey of e2e change of organizational operating model with high volume of complexity and challenges alongside. Invoking change in the largest bank in Poland requires view to look at different levels of organization and even personal perspectives, starting from top management to regular employees, also with aligning whole organization towards achieving its strategic goals and ending up with making sure that each and every scrum team is effective and helps us to increase our business agility. We would like to share how scrum@scale framework helped us to reboot our agile transformation in times of high uncertainty when covid pandemic came. We will show how this framework – that is focused on PO & SM cycles – helped us to stabilize situation and introducing change.

Andrii Glushchenko
Agile Consultant @QAgile, Professional Scrum Trainer

Karol Krawiec
Head of Agile / Director of Digital Transformation Bureau @ PKO Bank Polski
When the whole world went remote – the value of virtualization.
Case study
Even though solutions that provided virtualization of applications and desktops are nothing new, because of the Pandemic, the demand for IT departments to provide scalable, secure and flexible solutions for users has increased dramatically. What part is virtualization playing in the future of workplace? How can virtual apps and desktops empower your business and reduce capital spending while improving remote work?

Alan Prystaj
Infrastructure and Hosting Service Delivery Manager @ NATEK Poland
Collaboration is the Future of Workplace
Case study
Want to know how Revolut changed the place they work in? Why is collaboration the key to success? Join us to see what is the future of the workplace in one of the fastest growing companies in the world.

Tomasz Stachlewski
Architecture Lead for EMEA CEE @ Amazon
What common has a good leader, baker and captain, so how to build engaged and happy team?
Case study
Do you believe that the role of a leader is not to come up with all the great ideas. The role of a leader is to create an environment in which great ideas can happen? Is it true that the only definition of a leader is someone who has followers? Or maybe leadership is a process, which maximize the efforts of others, towards the achievement of a goal? In my speech, based on my observations, knowledge and experience, I will be talking about those dilemmas and other couple of the most important aspects of the leadership: What does to be a good (IT) manager / leader mean? How to be more positive, effective and efficient manager / leader? What is the most important to be successful into that role (strong personality, relationships, green SLAs/KPIs?) Which tools and methodologies can support managers and leaders to achieve their and team’s goals? How to build trust and authority? Is it enough to listen and support the people to engage and motivate them? 🧑🏻💻 Let’s meet online and share our opinion!

Marcin Piątkowski
Global Team Lead @ ABB
Rób to jak najlepsi. Automatyzacja bezpieczeństwa.
Case study
Codzienność bezpieczeństwa IT Twojej firmy to praca, praca i jeszcze raz praca. A gdyby tak zwiększyć szybkość reakcji na zagrożenia o 90% i jednocześnie zmniejszyć ilość alertów bezpieczeństwa o 95%? A gdyby tak widzieć zagrożenia w jednym miejscu i jeszcze mieć do pomocy sztuczną inteligencję?

Radek Kucik
Cybersecurity Regional Sales Manager @ Palo Alto Networks

Marcin Łukaszewski
Named Account Manager Financial Sector @ Palo Alto Networks
Ewolucja jakości produktu
Case study
Takeaways: – Jak testowanie wpływa na poprawę jakości produktu – Tester, automatyk, inżynier jakości – trzy różne role, a kogo naprawdę potrzebujemy w organizacji – Kto odpowiada za jakość produktu

Łukasz Musch
QA Functional Lead @ HL Tech
Gdy budzi się produkt
Case study
Transformacja cyfrowa skupia się na super technologiach, czy tez podejściu zwinnym. Samo „zróbmy sobie adżajla” jednak nie wystarczy jeśli pominiemy aspekty związane z innym czynnikiem decydującym o powodzeniu całej zmiany – podejściu produktowym/zarzadzaniu produktem Takeaways: Rola Product Ownera/Product Managera w organizacji nie równa się „Product Management” Jasne, określone produktowe roles&responsibilities czynnikiem sukcesu calej transformacji Senior Leadership postrzega sukces transformacji lepiej od osób zaangażowanych (zarzadzanie oczekiwaniami) Co może pójść nie tak? Komunikacja

Grzegorz Warda
Product Owner Team Lead @ HL Tech
Between rock and a hard place – How to combine business and IT using Big Picture EventStorming
Case study
Did you ever try to combine business and IT? Welcome to the IT leaders’ hell where you are caught between rock and a hard place. Let’s assume, you have a huge, old, legacy application that even the oldest developers don’t fully understand and you need to maintain and develop it. Sounds familiar? In my work, this is a day-to-day challenge and I needed a good tool to help me with that. After long research, I learned about the EventStorming Big Picture workshop which is fast, efficient, and like nothing else can finally put business and IT on the same page with one clear vision for everybody. In this presentation I will show you: • What is EventStorming and why you need it in your leader’s toolbox? • Why this tool is so powerful and can solve many of your organization’s problems? • How we solved the problem with long support SLA for tasks that belong to many teams (so basically to no one)? • How to identify zones of responsibility and split them between teams? • How to find a redundant part of the flow and remove it and save a lot of money? • How to build a relationship between business and IT? • How to identify the most expensive problems and find solutions in a few hours or days instead of weeks or months? • How we did on-site EventStorming in the past and how to do it now remotely? • How to deal with international cultural differences during the workshop? • and much more 🙂 Everything that I’ll say is based on my personal experience from dozens of EventStorming sessions (one of which – as asserted by Alberto Brandolini, creator of EventStorming technique – was the largest EventStorming session in the world) where I used 52 meters of paper, 2500+ post-its, and had more than 50 people in the same room working together.

Paweł Rekowski
Technical Team Leader @ eMAG
How Mindfulness@Ford is the Future
Case study
After three years of persistent grass-roots effort, in March 2020, a small cohort of passionate Ford employees launched a peer-driven mindfulness program that’s grown from 8 to 2,200 participants. Today, the Ford Mindfulness Club offers an expanding curriculum of daily meditation classes via WebEx, in seven countries where Ford has automotive operations. Via the championship of Executive Chairman Bill Ford, the Ford Mindfulness Club has created an ardent community of colleagues and friends exploring the depths and benefits of contemplative practice.

Mark Higbie
Senior advisor @ Ford Motor Company
A Formula 1 Season Like No Other – Service Management’s Story of a Remarkable Year
Case study
When the news broke out that Formula 1 would not race in Australia in March 2020, nobody could predict what was about to happen. One thing was certain – we had to forget everything we knew and rethink our entire operation. F1 thrives on challenges and innovation and while 2020 was completely unprecedented, we had to act fast and adapt to a new, unknown reality. Service Management was at the forefront of this adaptation – in a time of crisis it was perfectly placed to act as a critical, central “glue”, joining everyone together and driving deeper, cultural improvements while championing ITIL’s spirit in unexpected ways. Join Monika as she talks about: · “Service Re-Design” and the role Service Management played in F1’s adaptation to the Covid-19 challenges when delivering an unprecedented 2020 Race Season · Ways in which F1’s Technology and Business teams came together during the most turbulent year to date · Modern Service Management at Formula 1 and its value even in the most unlikely scenarios

Monika Jurkiewicz
Service Management Lead @ Formula 1
Agile security – czyli jak w NN zintegrowaliśmy i zautomatyzowaliśmy bezpieczeństwo z procesem wytwórczym
Case study

Jarosław Linda
Director of Service Management @ GE Capital Bank BPH

Paweł Kaczmarek
CISO & Cybersecurity Department Director @ Nationale-Nederlanden Poland
Ratownik medyczny, człowiek czy już nie?
Case study
Odporność na stres, umiejętność radzenia sobie w trudnych sytuacjach, praca pod presją czasu – To umiejętności, które regularnie pojawiają się w ogłoszeniach o pracę, a w czasach Covid-19 zdecydowanie umocniły się na górze listy kompetencji każdego skutecznego Managera. Dołącz i posłuchaj niezwykle szczerej rozmowy z Karolem, w której będzie o tym: – jak w ostatnich miesiącach wyglądała na co dzień praca ratownika medycznego – jak radzić sobie w sytuacjach kryzysowych – jak budować w sobie odporność na stres – gdzie szukać siły i motywacji gdy wkoło pełno ograniczeń zewnętrznych Temat nie jest lekki i przyjemny, ale z pewnością sprowokuje do przemyśleń.

Łukasz Grass

Karol Bączkowski
Ratownik Medyczny & Trener Pierwszej Pomocy
IT Service Management of Tomorrow
Panel discussion
Let’s talk about trends around IT Service Management. Topic: #high-performing and learning organizations #devops and modern service management opis wydarzenia długi opis wydarzenia długi opis wydarzenia długi opis wydarzenia

Monika Jurkiewicz
Service Management Lead @ Formula 1

Akshay Anand
Product Ambassador @ AXELOS®

Marcin Piątkowski
Global Team Lead @ ABB
Sukcesy i porażki w transformacjach DevOps
Panel discussion
Debata 4 praktyków, reprezentujących 4 różne organizacje na różnym etapie drogi do DevOps, w ramach której poruszymy takie zagadnienia jak: motywacje, dla których organizacje zdecydowały się rozpocząć transformację DevOps nadzieje związane z transformacją pierwsze napotkane problemy i próby poradzenia sobie z nimi rady, jakie liderzy daliby sobie w przeszłości, bogatsi o obecne doświadczenia”

Małgorzata Kołodziejczyk
Development departament IT Manager @ Rossmann

Radosław Bujacz
Head of Software Development @ Knauf IT

Łukasz Halicki
Team Manager DevOps @ Roche
Atakujący: Kto jest mną zainteresowany?
Panel discussion
Atakujący: Kto jest mną zainteresowany?

Radosław Gnat
Cyber Security Strategy Expert @ GSK

Wojciech Lesicki
Senior Security Incident Responder @ GSK

Błażej Szymczak
Director of Security Operations @ Huuuge Games
Jak budować zespół w dobie deficytu pracownika?
Panel discussion
Trying to find the right people for your team can be a difficult challenge, and it got even more tricky during the Covid epidemic. During our discussion we will share learnings from overcoming those difficulties and try to find a way which will allow you to navigate the tricky landscape of IT recruitment.”

Stefan Rautszko
Team Manager @ Roche Polska

Marcin Bohdziewicz
Head of Mobile Development @ HL Tech
The Loneliness of Being a Manager
Panel discussion
Loneliness at the top doesn’t necessarily come from physical isolation: who spends more time at meetings than managers? The inability to make deep human connections at work often leads to solitude and it’s most visible for those in managerial positions. At work, successful people are “lonely in a crowd.” A survey by Harvard Business Review revealed that half of CEOs experience loneliness at work and most of them feel it hinders their work performance. Together with the audience we will try to answer the question: “Why is it so lonely at the top?” and of course find strategies helping with this problem. We don’t want to play experts who know what to do. We just want to shed some light on the managers’ loneliness, share our experience, observations and encourage others to share theirs. Above all, show that they are not alone. The presentation will have the form of an interview with Ola asking Korneliusz some questions. Korneliusz will share his personal story and the audience will probably recognized some of his dilemmas as their own. We will talk about the following topics: – New team, new fears, same fight. – Coffee/lunch break: with whom, who should initiate the meeting, what might be the implications? – You’re a leader, so you “must know everything”: questions are for the weak. – Between the worlds: a team member or a company’s representative. Ola will add a few interesting facts based on research and psychological knowledge to underline the problem and point out the consequences of the situation in a bit surprising and humorous way. We will involve the audience by using different methods like: brainstorming, surveys and asking questions.

Aleksandra Kulga
Head of Human Resources @ Siemens Digital Logistics

Korneliusz Tabaka
Head Of Software Development Unit @ Siemens Digital Logistics
Key aspects of successful OKR implementation.
Panel discussion
Every OKR implementation tends to be different: company size, organization culture & structure, leadership style, just to name a few. During our discussion we want to pinpoint similarities that are key to having a successful implementation.

Elena Zhukova
Senior Strategic Business Analyst @ Lufthansa Systems Poland

Mateusz Paprocki

Przemek Kotecki
Head Of Portfolio Management @ Allegro

Bolesław Drapella
Founder @, LP @ Black Pearls VC
Home office, powrót do biur, a może hybryda?
Panel discussion

Krzysztof Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Let's Manage IT

Tomasz Stawarski
Global Tech Manager @ Revolut

Ania Kopysiewicz
HR Manager @ Oanda Poland

Łukasz Rojek
Account Executive @ Dell Technologies
Droga do CIO
Panel discussion
Dołącz do debaty, zainspiruj się historiami trzech CIO, jak wyglądała droga zawodowa ich kamienie milowe. W trakcie debaty zostana poruszone takie tematy jak: budowanie kompetencji budowanie zespołu kluczowe kompetencje planowanie kariery

Bartosz Górczyński
Managing Partner @ CIONET

Michał Plechawski
CIO @ mBank

Andrzej Miron
Management Board Member and CIO @ Nationale-Nederlanden Polska

Magdalena Nowicka
Vice President of the Management Board @ BNP Paribas Bank
Sukces i przyszłość globalnych centrów kompetencyjnych IT w Polsce.
Panel discussion

Dr Ireneusz Zalewski
Senior Director IT Products @ Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft

Rafał Stepnowski
Director of Government Affairs @ Boeing, Poland
Journey to cloud – lekcje z transformacji cloud. Wyzwania, ryzyka, czynniki sukcesu
Panel discussion

Patryk Dolewa
Chief Technology and Business Transformation Officer | CIO | CTO @ Gemini Polska Sp. z o.o.

Paweł Czarny
IT Manager - Cloud Platforms Department @ Ringier Axel Springer Tech

Bartosz Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Conlea

Aleksander Gawroński
Head of IT Infrastructure @ mBank
Przyszłość naszej pracy. Nowe wyzwania, nowe możliwości.
Panel discussion
Dołącz i posłuchaj debaty na tematy związane z: – Kompetencje przyszłości związane z modelem pracy hybrydowej – Jak model pracy online wpływa na takie obszary jak kreatywność, budowanie relacji, work-life balance – Jaka jest rola Managerów w kreowaniu wydajnego środowiska pracy zdalnej i hybrydowej

Radosław Buszan
Sales Director MidMarket @ Dell Technologies

Łukasz Grass

Maciej Dębski
Prezes Zarządu @ Fundacja DBAM O MÓJ Z@SIĘG
How to avoid failing projects?
Panel discussion
What to do when we are assigned to the trouble project which is already operating in the crisis mode? How to re-setup the project team when there is high level of uncertainty and low level of motivation? How to re-arrange a communication with the customer and stakeholders when it was not working well? If you are interested in getting to know how to answer these questions please join the panel with the experts who were successful in the managing the failing projects.

Michał Well
Senior Business Manager and Service Management Consultant @ Capgemini

Krzysztof Drozd
Head of Service Management @ Clariant GBS

Marcin Żyła
CIO | Head of Information Technology @
Hakerzy nie śpią. Nie pozwól im ukraść Twoich danych.
Panel discussion
Malware, Ransomware, Phishing, Spyware. Każdego dnia powstają nowe zagrożenia i każdy z nas może stać się celem kolejnego ataku. W dobie cyfrowej transformacji i podłączania coraz większej ilości urządzeń do Internetu musimy mieć pewność, że chronimy naszą organizację w najlepszy możliwy sposób. Dowiedz się jak zespoły IT mogą zwiększyć efektywność wykrywania zagrożeń, obniżyć pracochłonność i obniżyć koszty.

Tomasz Pietrzyk
Systems Engineering Manager, Poland & Eastern Europe @ Palo Alto Networks

Michał Kozłowski
Country Director, Head Of Sales, Poland & Eastern Europe @ Palo Alto Networks
Personal branding is overrated. Or not?
Panel discussion
A strong, well-crafted personal brand can help a manager develop his/her career in the right direction. Is that really the case? Isn’t it enough to just do your job well? If you should manage the brand of “you”, how much effort does it require and where should you focus it? Join the discussion to find out: what tools managers use in a remote-first environment to manage their brands how a manager’s personal brand can help attract and retain top talent how to start managing your reputation.

Katarzyna Karpińska
Technical Tribe Lead, Common Connectivity Experience Tribe @ T-Mobile Polska

Krzysztof Bryła
Head of Group IT @ ESPERSEN / INSEPA Group

Paweł Banaszak
Communication and Marketing Manager @ USS United Shipping Services AB

Adrianna Przytulska
IT Process Manager @ STAPLES
Essence of Digital Leadership
Panel discussion
Why is Digital Leadership different from traditional leadership from the past? What worked for the industrial age does not work for a new digital landscape, and many struggles surface as new approaches and styles emerge. In this panel, you will meet experienced leaders discussing the essence of Digital Leadership, what is working, what isn’t working and the skills and capabilities identified for our next generation of digital leaders. Join us for a session jam-packed with practical advice for leaders at all experience levels.

Greg Sanker
CIO @ Oregon Department of Administrative Services

Patti Blackstaffe
CEO & Transformation Specialist @ GlobalSway

N.J. Robinson
Deputy Director of IT @ US Air Force & Principle @ Hi-Tech Leadership LLC
Long term planning and dependencies handling – different approaches in scaled agile universe
Panel discussion
You want to be among those who create digital solutions that people actually use? Then you have to adapt to dynamic business environment and respond to your customer’s evolving needs. How to be adaptive if you deliver the product in tight cooperation with multiple teams? Are x-team dependencies impeding your agility? Is it worth or possible at all to make a long-term plan for developing your solution? Join the panel to hear practitioners of different agile frameworks sharing their perspective on this aspect of product development.

Michał Choiński
Head of IT Digital Channels @ BNP Paribas Bank Polska

Sebastian Żebrowski
LeSS Scrum Master / Agile Coach @ UPC Polska

Anna Girdziejewska
DA Champion @ PMI Poland Chapter

Lech Babula
Chief Execution Leader, SPC @Nordea
The role an IT Manager in agile world
Panel discussion
Join us for a chat about things like: – What is the role of an IT manager in a nutshell? – Is being a manager in the agile environment easier or more difficult than it was in the good old days? – equality in the workplace – future or reality? and many, many more

Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify

Beata Wilczek
VP of Engineering @ Solarisbank

Piotr Bednarski
Corporate Customers IT Services Director @ Nationale-Nederlanden

Ewa Macias
Former Director of engineering @ Google
How to engage, develop and retain talents
Panel discussion
The environment we are working in is constantly changing. New technologies drive rapid process changes. Change is our new normal, but where in all of this are people? How do they feel about their roles? Do they receive the right support in growing and successfully supporting the organization? Let’s try to deep dive this topic to find out how to make it work.

Marcin Nowakowski
CEO & founder @ agile-lawyer

Anna Szczepańska
Psychologist, HR Manager @ Objectivity & Founder of expert’s project:

Wojciech Tatys
Global Business Excellence & Transformation Lead @ Discovery Inc

Justyna Andrzejewska
Director, EMEA Regional HR Operations & Transformation @ SC Johnson
The pandemic gender effect – what’s the impact on the Tech industry?
Panel discussion
We will discuss why women are disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 crisis and how we can prevent them from leaving the tech workforce.

Aga Światowa
VP Technology and Innovation @ Discovery Inc.

Paweł Łopatka
VP & Country Manager @ SoftServe & ABSL Strategic Board Member

Lucyna Szyszkowiak
Commercial Excellence Program Manager @ Signify

Kinga Jaśkowiak
Talent and Succession Program Manager @ HPE
How fly4you can support your Digital Transformation? – SAFe business simulation
Gear up Workshops
We have created a SAFe business simulation which helps organizations and professionals to create the right momentum in changing their organization based on SAFe principles. During this 2 hour workshop you will be invited to experience first hand what the SAFe simulation is and how it can help organizations in their digital transformation.

Kevin Romijn
SAFe Program Consultant and certified SAFe, Agile, DevOps trainer.
Leading the Complexity of Change
Gear up Workshops
Digital leaders will plot and estimate the complexity of change to develop sound resourcing and planning decisions relating to technology change and disruption, including value realization, costs and risks. In this workshop you will understand the change thresholds of complexity, the activities involved and the human responses you will encounter. You will be armed with the information needed to make a case to senior management for the level of OCM as it relates to desired performance and commitment.

Patti Blackstaffe
CEO & Transformation Specialist @ GlobalSway
Implementacja RPA okiem praktyka
Gear up Workshops
Robotic Process Automation jeden z najszybciej rozwijających się obszarów Enterprise IT. Technologia obiecująca gigantyczne oszczędności i szybki czas wdrożenia ma zarówno zagorzałych zwolenników jak i przeciwników. Obrosła też pewnymi mitami na które postaram się rzucić trochę światła. Podczas workshopu spojrzymy na typowy plan implementacji RPA w organizacji i zaanalizujemy go od praktycznej strony, dostarczając konkretnych odpowiedzi i szczegółów przydatnych do przeprowadzenia implementacji RPA która zakończy się sukcesem. Jeśli chciałbyś dowiedzieć się więcej o implementacji RPA od praktycznej strony bądź chciałbyś zadać pytania dotyczące implementacji w której obecnie uczestniczysz, serdecznie zapraszam na mój workshop.

Maciej Obuchowski
Senior IT Architect - Process Automation @ Arla Foods
Dilemmas you may encounter in your DevOps journey but can solve in a safe-to-fail environment
Gear up Workshops
Expected outcome of the session: Help attendees to prepare mentally and in a meritocratic way to what they may encounter in their DevOps transformations in their organizations. During this 1-hour workshop / extended interactive talk I would like to expose the attendees to several DevOps dilemmas they may encounter in their DevOps journey in their organisations. Working on each dilemma will follow the same structure: Dilemma statement Potential solutions Voting for the best solution according to the attendees Explanation by me why certain solution may work in certain contexts while others not. Referring to real case studies. Each dilemma will take 10 minutes. There will be 6 dilemmas, each one focusing on one of the fields: Leadership Culture Organisation and architecture Process Automation Metrics All dilemmas happened for real. But, sensitive information will be obfuscated without losing the necessary context
the 8 Habits of Great International Communicators
Gear up Workshops
Better communication – Better collaboration – Better results In this workshop Bob Dignen, a trainer, coach and author in the field of international leadership and communication for over 20 years, explores the essential habits which can make you a great international communicator. Internationalisation presents many opportunities for organisations. However, it is well documented that working internationally also brings added challenges. Cross-border working frequently leads to breakdowns in communication and inefficient team collaboration, which ultimately impact on customer relationships and profitability. In the session we explore key habits which will help you to communicate, collaborate and lead excellently when you work cross-border. · Think twice · Lower the waterline · Communicate unnaturally · Don’t do your job · Be remotely excellent · Develop organisational intelligence · Enjoy critical feedback · Seek balance

Bob Dignen
Director @ YorkAssociates
Find Your Funny: How to Strategically Use Humor at Work
Gear up Workshops
Now that you understand the importance of using humor in your work, let’s talk about how to do it. Humor is a skill which means it can be learned. This session will teach you that skill by helping you understand your personal humor style and teach you a process for punching up your work to gain more laughter, increase engagement, and have a lot more fun. In this session, you will: – Learn a step-by-step process for adding humor to your work. – Practice the core competencies for creating humor – Build the #1 tool for capturing the humor around you.

Andrew Tarvin
CEO @ Humor That Works
LinkedIn – Personal Branding for IT Leaders
Gear up Workshops
A strong, well-crafted personal brand can help a manager develop his/her career in the right direction. Is that really the case? Isn’t it enough to just do your job well? If you should manage the brand of “you”, how much effort does it require and where should you focus it? Join the discussion to find out: What tools managers use in a remote-first environment to manage their brands How a manager’s personal brand can help attract and retain top talent How to start managing your reputation.

Paweł Banaszak
Communication and Marketing Manager @ USS United Shipping Services AB
Leadership is a Choice: Leading colleagues, leading your leader, leading yourself
Gear up Workshops
Who are your leaders? No, not in the org-chart. Who do you choose to follow? Why them? Who has chosen to follow you? Why should they? In this workshop, we will explore the concept of Humane Leadership, and why leadership is a choice that many don’t make, even if they have ‘leader’ written in their job title. We will also unpack how making that choice can be transformative for you and those who you offer to lead. Saturated in humanity, confident in its humility and revolutionary in its potential.

Bastian Küntzel
CEO & Co-Founder @ Incontro Training
How to use OKR to drive a Digital transformation
Gear up Workshops
Since COVID breakout we’ve started using digital tools to communicate on a scale that was unseen ever before. Lack of face-to-face contact introduced a new set of challenges with alignment and trust as key factors of success or even survival. During the workshop you will learn how to use OKRs to enhance communication across remote teams, ensure alignment and, most important, deliver strategic outcomes. Learning will take place in groups – we will go through a few cases in a role-play fashion. Prior OKR knowledge/experience is not required.

Elena Zhukova
Senior Strategic Business Analyst @ Lufthansa Systems Poland

Mateusz Paprocki
Decision making for IT leaders
Gear up Workshops
„Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level” Peter Drucker Decision making for IT leaders Gear Up is a half-day (3 hrs) learning experience during which you will increase you decision making awareness and skills. What will be discussed during this Gear-Up workshop How we make decisions? Pitfalls and barriers to effective decision making Emotions Cognitive biases Abundance or lack of information Risk aversion and indecisiveness Different types of decision situations Subconscious and intuitive Need for the best choice Decision as a part of creative process Rational approach to decision making Understand context and purpose Define criteria Find your options Evaluate and reality-test your options and assumptions Evaluate risks of being wrong

Bartosz Kozakiewicz
CEO @ Conlea
Designing Your (Career) Life
Gear up Workshops
Inspired by the #1 New York Times Best Seller „Designing Your Life,” the Design Thinking methodology/mindset, as well as other best practices, in this workshop we will explore how design thinking can help us build a career and life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who or where you are, what yo do or have done for a living, or how young or old you are. It will be a hands on, practical workshop where you will actually start to design and plan your career/life. Key Takeaways -Three Different (Career) Life Prototypes -Ideas to revamp your current (Career) Life -Meaning Making Best Practices -Design Thinking Process Best Practices -Clarity on Dysfunctional Beliefs -Gravity Problem Reframing -Fun, Interactive Experience

Patrick Kozakiewicz
Lead Mindfulness @ Kyndryl
Let’s talk about LEGO our culture, agility and more…
Gear up Workshops

Eik Thyrsted Brandsgård
Agile Coach, Director @ LEGO Group
Let’s talk about F1 digital, service management and more…
Gear up Workshops

Monika Jurkiewicz
Service Management Lead @ Formula 1
Let’s talk about Spotify our culture, agility and more…
Gear up Workshops

Piotr Majkowski
Senior Engineering Manager @ Spotify